Example sentences of "less [subord] three " in BNC.

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1 With a little practice you should be able to brew 40 pints of good cheap beer in less than three hours ' work .
2 CAMRA 's membership has grown from under 20,000 to 30,000 in less than three years .
3 Suddenly the man next to you says : ‘ Of course , you realise that more than 50 per cent of all road journeys are less than three miles long ? ’
4 The second alleged breach happened less than three weeks later where , as a result of actions by CEGB inspection team , a 2.5 tonne component was dropped 27 feet .
5 They say the decision to step up overt pressure came quickly after the Vatican learned from Italian Foreign Ministry officials that Mr Gorbachev 's visit was being curtailed to less than three full days .
6 Today , almost incredibly , it stands less than three months from take-off .
7 But he had been Bishop of Durham for less than three years , and was in a see which fitted his gifts perfectly .
8 The launderette was two and a half blocks from the house ; probably less than three hundred yards .
9 In the bright sunshine each September in central Africa , the ngwazi ( conqueror ) Dr Kamuzu Banda , Life President and over eighty years old , has addressed 20,000 members of the women 's federation of Malawi for no less than three hours .
10 The aircraft will land , disgorge the troops and take off again immediately , being on the ground for less than three minutes .
11 But , less than three years on , a barrage of unforeseen problems has compelled Peter Mantle to take on the responsibilities of a new role : that of vigorous country crusader .
12 The announcement that no less than three mission-territories are to be entrusted to native African bishops has rejoiced mission-minded Catholics all over the world .
13 But Ball denied that he had trampled on Mills 's feet since arriving at Stoke City less than three weeks ago .
14 WITH only five sides in contention , it should be possible to devise a World Cup which takes less than three years to complete .
15 THE investor protection system set up under the Financial Services Act is creaking under the strain , less than three years after it swung into operation .
16 He is bushy-tailed and defiantly optimistic for the new decade — which in his case starts early when the still battered England cricket team leave for the West Indies in less than three weeks .
17 Indeed , less than three months after Big Bang , the start of the Solidarity-led government 's package of strict austerity and radical market reforms , Poland is in ruins .
18 That was less than three and a half hours ago , but it might have been years .
19 Last year , nearly £300 had been collected for the Spanish Fund , and within the space of a month , including Xmas no less than three large indoor meetings had been held , of which one was the Town Hall meeting at which one of the largest collections ever received at a Labour meeting in Leeds was taken up .
20 Brian Faulkner , having lost control of the Unionist Party , had formed the new Unionist Party of Northern Ireland which could only field two candidates and won less than three per cent of the poll .
21 And then he remembered that it was in exactly this position in exactly this place that he had turned to face Lucy , less than three weeks ago , shouting obscenities at her .
22 And its successful conclusion indeed took less than three weeks .
23 It took the players ' bargaining committee less than three hours to reject what they considered an ultimatum .
24 WHEN the first seven horses home finish in a heap , with less than three lengths covering them , it is fair to say that the race in question is not much of a Classic trial .
25 ‘ This will be your third home in less than three years .
26 On the death of his third wife , Charles lived with no less than three concubines who bore him numerous children .
27 There , less than three inches below the surface , they found the body of Rhoda Anne Carter .
28 For example , European Community legislation on cosmetics requires that products with a stability of less than three years be labelled with an expiry date but it does not elaborate on this .
29 We tolerated his hilarious English mispronunciations of the Scottish hills that had taken him less than three hours , keeping in mind the thought of that comfortable car seat at the bottom of this rough heather slope every time we felt like killing him .
30 The traverse of Fell End Clouds is a short delightful expedition , less than three miles in walking distance from the road and entailing only 500 feet of climbing .
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