Example sentences of "less [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Their chances of success were far less where they were relegated to the position of enactor or mere facilitator , as some were .
2 So we 're more or less where we left off last November .
3 Which is more or less where we came in !
4 I knew more or less where he was and I knew he had not been recaptured — that was all .
5 And sitting , of course , more or less where he sat , now that he has moved into his new office .
6 Only after 1 February can I go more or less where I please and then there is a need to work quite quickly since the ferreting season ends in April when the fast-growing vegetation and the increasing arrival of litters of young rabbits make it impractical to continue .
7 managing with less once they are responsible ( fuel , cleaning materials ) ;
8 The Conservative Party won only 42.9 per cent of the popular vote , less than they had achieved in any election between 1945 and 1979 , and did badly in Scotland and much of northern England .
9 On top of this , Germany 's trading partners have benefited less than they had hoped from increased demand in Germany .
10 In South-east England , some streams on chalk flow less than they used to do ; in part this is the result of abstraction .
11 I think most Prisoners would say that the sex problem worried them less than they had expected it to , but that is not to say that it did not worry most people some of the time and some people all the time .
12 Even schoolchildren get a week less than they do .
13 The South African budget for this year gives university researchers less than they need to keep pace with inflation and allocates most of the additional spending on science to applied work in government laboratories , dashing hopes of a significant increase in university funding .
14 Women 's weak labour-market position is a source of disadvantage to women from which only employers benefit , since it enables them to pay women workers less than they would men .
15 He fancied too that he felt the cold less than they did .
16 For example , in October 1974 the Labour Government secured the support of 39.2 per cent of those who voted and just over a quarter of the electorate ; in 1979 the Conservatives gained 43.9 per cent of the vote and the support of around a third of the electorate ; and in 1983 , the Conservative landslide of seats ( their parliamentary majority trebled ) was based on just 42.4 per cent of the vote — less than they got when they lost in 1964 , less than they got in 1979 , the fifth-lowest Conservative vote since the war , and the lowest vote-count by a government with a secure majority since 1922 .
17 The Chief Constable fussed around the Bishop , the press had been shut up , or anyway given a damn sight less than they would have been if it had n't been a priest 's body , or rather , head .
18 They will be worse for frail , elderly people , for physically and mentally disabled people , and I think people will also be asking the Tory and Liberal Democrat groups why they went for half a million pounds less than they need have done in service provision .
19 Experts say we 're knocking back ONE MILLION pints of beer a day LESS than we were a year ago .
20 We do n't really need either of them but I must say that , despite the professionalism and expertise they both possess , judging from the contents rather than the covers we need Pocket less than we need Orion .
21 On the negatives there was the er resumption of a S S A P twenty four charge for U K pensions , a little less than we expected , we had a strong revaluation in mid-year , the incremental redundancy costs that Frank has already touched upon and er the er dis er the discontinued profits not in ninety two .
22 Erm , although I think we will say that that would be dangerous thing to do and that we should continue to work upon the er the assumption that there erm er overall as a n , a nine percent increase , but , that seems highly unlikely that will succeed , erm What I 've then done is take account of the various staffing changes that there have been during the year , both short term and long term , erm , and you 'll see that produces a figure actually available to us this year of twenty seven thousand five hundred and eighty eight investigative hours , erm which is slightly less than we had last year , er but erm almost not significantly so , erm and it seemed to me therefore that if we were n't trying to reduce times , er , if we were saying that we would turn in times at the end of this year which were the same as the term times we turned in at the end of last year we could probably achieve that without any further recruitment .
23 We 're all aware that for th for their number patients with superficial bladder cancer provide an enormous amount of our workload , and for reasons partly of husbanding our precious resources and also because lots of these patients come up with negative checks reducing the amount of irritation and upset to them it would be useful if we could do less than we do .
24 Message from : At the present time we are 140 members less than we were in 1990 — this is solely due to a shortfall in the number of sponsored groups as several classes for the elderly in sheltered homes were closed due to the cut backs .
25 At the meeting er , of the Financial Resources Committee that I attended on Wednesday the first thing we discussed was the er the giving so far , up to the end of February from the various provinces and we , by the end of February er , the total was up to thirty thousand pounds less than we required er which could mean that the end of the year it could be a hundred and eighty thousand pounds less than required but er of all the
26 In many respects , ancient understanding of these processes was less than ours .
27 Not very tall , less than me .
28 But the Protestant Elizabeth , the queen whom he thought he was flattering by likening her to Deborah ( the prophetess who , with the help of the Lord , saved Israel from the Canaanites ) , was never to forgive him , and this ensured that his role in the years of success for the Scottish Protestants after 1560 was less than it might otherwise have been .
29 One may however ask whether those in the action sample who said that the strain was less than it had been a year ago attributed this to the effects of the Home Support Project .
30 Again this troubled Joan less than it did Anne , who wished her friend , as she insisted she was , to share everything .
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