Example sentences of "times when [noun] " in BNC.

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1 THERE are times when life not only kicks you in the teeth , but follows up with the knee in the groin and the rabbit punch to the back of the neck as well .
2 The NARCOG budget had apparently not stretched to air-conditioning , and there were times when life in Filanta Court was almost insupportable .
3 There were times when Blackadder allowed himself to see clearly that he would end his working life , that was to say his conscious thinking life , in this task , that all his thoughts would have been another man 's thoughts , all his work another man 's work .
4 The times when persons in power wish to check the excesses of public writers are times at which a large body of opinion or sentiment is hostile to the executive .
5 In only a very few pages , we have left the twentieth century far behind and discovered that these two descend from the Lombardic heroes mentioned in the Old English poem Widsith ( Aelfwin and Eadwin ) ; and since Aelfvin means ‘ Elf-friend ’ , we are not surprised to find ourselves drifting further back to the times when elves still walked the earth , before Numenor ( the Atlantis of the Tolkien mythology ) had sunk beneath the waves .
6 Nevertheless there were times when Alexander Ramsay had to admit to himself that he found all this , essential and worth while as it certainly was , somehow less than satisfying after all the excitements of the recent past ; a feeling of being understretched as it were , less than fully challenged .
7 There was a game they 'd played a few times when Edith was out of the house , a rough-and-tumble sort of thing , perfectly harmless .
8 Inevitably , there are times when professionals disagree among themselves .
9 The strategy of the Bank of England is to bring forward auctions and offers for sale by tender at times when it thinks market demand will be strong and not at times when prices are falling .
10 There are times when photography by women becomes women 's photography , a close bonding of consciousness , an awareness , not of feminist issues , but of a precise and finite condition of being .
11 Now , it is true that the concept of frigidity has lost its urgency in these liberated times when orgasm is every woman 's right .
12 There has been racing at York since roman times when horses were matched against each other about a mile to the north of the city .
13 Local information offices , open at times when visitors are around , could supply this , along with information about local accommodation .
14 Random Century is currently reissuing Johns 's Biggles books , without certain racial terms , even though the books were written during colonial times when attitudes were different .
15 A favourite ballet was Swan Lake which she saw at least four times when school parties travelled to the Coliseum or Sadler 's Wells theatres in London .
16 There were times when Ajayi considered that way out ; not as attractive then and there , but for when — if — there ever seemed to be no hope , at some time in the future .
17 There were times when Constance loved Nicky and times when she hated him , but her overall emotion was liking .
18 There are times when parents get so angry with their children that they are in danger of losing their self-control .
19 Now there are times when Jesus actually sat down with his disciples afterwards and explained to them what the parable was about and there was a reason for that , it was because , simply , the folk would not have understood it .
20 There are times when Chancellors are right to fuss with mini-measures , and there are times when they need to make an instant impact .
21 And be sure not to miss a unique medieval Underground Works , adapted in Napoleonic times when invasion threatened and ingeniously planned to deflect attack .
22 Every office in the country should be scheduled to receive flowers from charming old gentlemen at least once a week , and especially at busy times when carping is usually at fever pitch .
23 To my knowledge , cranks and dreamers have gone around talking about and looking for Homo superior ever since the primitive times when writers still used paper .
24 There was a muted concession made regarding the requirements of the plaintiff 's customers and the times when deliveries were made to them. ) ( 2 ) The information about the prices was not clearly severable from the rest of the sales information .
25 There are times when making a certain promise ( say to look after a friend 's child if the friend dies before the child comes of age ) are morally worthwhile but where one does not have an obligation to make them ( remember that in this example too one may find other adequate ways to help one 's friend ) .
26 There are times when making language function effectively is more important than producing perfectly pronounced , grammatically correct sentences .
27 In that situation variety of activity is needed and it is also often possible to allocate times when students can choose between several options .
28 Left hand Pillar Crack , besides having a name redolent of times when tradition counted for more than imagination , is a superb little layback testpiece .
29 Since they won their independence from the Ottoman empire 170 years ago , there have been only three times when Greeks could justifiably feel the world was smiling on them .
30 ‘ There were times when things were a bit tense because they were having to do so much for themselves .
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