Example sentences of "about every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Over the next months we lost just about every election we contested .
2 But there 's just about every artefact from the past on sale .
3 The police took blood samples from just about every male in the vicinity .
4 Farmers in Europe have just completed their IACS forms which in theory detail what is grown , farmed and subsidised in just about every field throughout the European Community .
5 This car has rewritten the rules that underline the supermini concept , since it won European Car of the Year in 1983 ( Peugeot 205 was second ) and it has won just about every award possible .
6 This means just about every brand available .
7 But that 's what the rules say he must look like , which seems to be a problem with just about every branch of equestrian sport .
8 yes , any colour you can think of , I mean erm , blue I think is one of the worse , but thinking of lampshades we used to sell a lot of er lampshades for putting on table lamps er and erm , we 'd have just about every colour and somebody would come along and say well erm have n't you got one in purple and of course I 'd refrain from saying thank god no I have n't
9 So I think that when Darwin was writing about psychology , he became a Lamarckian , in just about every sense of the word , because will is related to things that people do and think .
10 I 've seen just about every kind of drunk , but I 've never seen one shake like he did .
11 They also provide just about every kind of portable unit too — and if you 're worried by mosquitoes , they have special candles to shoo them off .
12 Beck and Azinger birdied just about every hole and the fourball betterball for the match was 14 under par for 17 holes .
13 Just about every PC ( which means Personal Computer , but , for this article at least , implies an IBM PC compatible personal computer ) comes in three distinct parts — the CPU ( also called the system box , main box , processor unit and others ) , the Monitor ( also called the VDU , Display , Screen ) and the Keyboard .
14 ‘ And Gabby turned out to be particularly good , which saved him from having to do the usual terrible , crap jobs that the Hawaiians had to do , and he ended up playing for a living in just about every joint in Hawaii — and there were lots of them in those days , because live music was a big thing .
15 Just about every attitude a human can hold is , somewhere , held towards pigs — from revulsion and ridicule to , in Papua New Guinea , something like motherly love ( they still get eaten , though ) .
16 Josie gave her a black coffee and then opened a kitchen drawer , bringing out bottles containing just about every prescription tranquilliser known to medical science .
17 Prescriptives now has a foundation to suit just about every skin colour .
18 Collections in just about every price bracket offered interpretations of the equestrian or dandy themes .
19 Or , as a result of having heard most pieces played from just about every angle ( backwards , sideways , upside-down ) , one can no longer endure certain pieces given with any degree of imprecision .
20 You think you 're better than I am in just about every way , more beautiful , more clever , more experienced .
21 Going I it 's on just about every year , cos it 's an important part of the the chemistry .
22 He insisted , to Labour jeers : ‘ With the scope for efficiency savings , which there always is , there is no need for cuts in services and jobs that we always get scare stories about every year . ’
23 There is also evidence that not only gods and mythical figures were associated with dolphins and mounted their backs , but children apparently rode wild dolphins in just about every bay , harbour , and inlet of the ancient Mediterranean , and dolphins often befriended sailors and rescued people from the sea , carrying them safely to land .
24 A recent divorce petition cited the fact that just about every wall , fitment and piece of furniture in the home was in a half-dismantled or half-done state and had been for years .
25 There is then an alternation between slow wave sleep and REM sleep , with REM sleep recurring about every hour and a half .
26 Besides it does n't even go in till about about every hour .
27 About every hour or something like that .
28 there 's a bus coming about every hour or something , it 's quicker to walk
29 The group meets about every second month with representatives from the board and discusses results and further plans .
30 But the Queen will see just about every past and present RAF aircraft a flypast which will go on for three quarters of an hour .
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