Example sentences of "about a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was only about a thousand words long but of a high quality .
2 By 1880 there were about a thousand hotels in the scheme which proved a resounding success .
3 The twin drawbridges , or ‘ bascules ’ , forming the central section of the roadway , weigh about a thousand tons each , and can be raised in a minute and a half to allow large vessels to pass through .
4 Violence flared first in Helston , where an angry crowd of about a thousand gathered as William Body , a Commissioner charged with destroying every relic of popery , was desecrating the Church .
5 About a thousand copies will be forwarded to our Embassy in the States .
6 Half of them ( about a thousand ) thought that extra-sensory perception was a likely possibility and sixteen per cent believed that it was ‘ established fact ’ .
7 The quiteron works in a similar way , although the energy gaps involved are about a thousand time smaller than for semiconductors — several milli-electronvolts ( take out the word electron to arrive at the corresponding driving voltages ) , This difference is behind the quiteron 's big advantage : it dissipates far less power than the conventional device .
8 There are more than 30 legal moves in the average chess position , which means that more than 30 different chess positions can be generated out of the average position with a single play , about a thousand ( the rough product of 30 x 30 ) with one full move , a million with two move , and so on .
9 Though Ruby 's brain weight is only 400 grams , about a third that of a modern human 's , she has proved an apt pupil and now understands and uses a vocabulary of about a thousand words .
10 Fifty-seven and a half battalions of troops restored order in a month with about a thousand Indian casualties , aircraft being used on a number of occasions to machine-gun crowds from the air .
11 It would take months for the rocks to cool off , and about a thousand years for the steam in the air to condense back into the seas .
12 During his eighteen months at The Hague he collected about a thousand sheets of contemporary wood engravings and etchings — English , French , and American .
13 If we want to work at a high level of stress , however , anywhere near the potential strength of glass for instance , we must be prepared to keep the surface free from even the most microscopic cracks for , if even one crack is allowed to exceed the Griffith length , which may be only about a thousand Ångströms , catastrophic failure will occur .
14 Talbot went to the Admiral 's wine cupboard and prepared a drink while Hawkins gazed at a spot on the deck which was about a thousand miles away .
15 Alas , Barents got no further than Novaya Zemlja , a large island in the Russian Arctic , about a thousand kilometres east of Svalbard .
16 Cousin Island also has a small population of giant tortoises , including ‘ George ’ said to be 150 years old and one of the survivors of the endemic subspecies , the others having been introduced from the island of Aldabra which lies about a thousand kilometres away off the north of Madagascar .
17 The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls was therefore very important , since they give us a Hebrew text of much of the Old Testament about a thousand years older than anything we had before .
18 Below about a thousand metres oxygen concentrations are fairly static down to the a minimum between five hundred and a thousand metres depth so they 're fairly static .
19 Down at about a thousand units erm you er b between ten thousand and a thousand units er you 'd suffer the symptoms of radiation sickness erm your hair would drop out and your teeth would drop out and you 'd vomit and your skin would turn a funny shade of green and and you 'd be very ill erm but you , you 'd probably recover er you might not but you , you , I mean people have actually had those sort of doses of radiation and have actually recovered er from it .
20 But when curiosity got the better of us we found ourselves almost immediately drawn to a highland community where , like a long-awaiting gift , we were invited to build a house for about a thousand pounds on a verdant piece of property .
21 None what about a thousand lots of none ?
22 What he did not tell me — and I only learnt during the course of the journey — was that we were adding about a thousand miles to our route .
23 The only problem of that nature that we have to worry about is an electrical storm about a thousand kilometres wide . ’
24 There were about a thousand people round the fire .
25 About period ten and correct me if I 'm wrong Andrew I was told it would be about a thousand , roughly a thousand pounds per fee earning employee .
26 And er I got , they 'd got about twelve hundred members , and I think I got about a thousand , of course there were n't two of the men that knew and they voted .
27 So after a fortnight , thereabouts , the union had a meeting and decided that everybody in the industry like , which of course there was only about a thousand of us any way , everybody would s would stop until this man could start at work .
28 I once calculated that I did about a thousand hours ' work in the three years I was there , an average of an hour a day .
29 The escape velocity from the surface of such a star would be about a thousand kilometers per second .
30 It was a dim , grey day ; light drizzle from the overcast , mountains hidden past about a thousand feet .
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