Example sentences of "about [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 He was about fifty-five and fat , but jolly with it .
2 Three three would have been just about right but with just four minutes to go Wycombe went and won it …
3 Three three would have been just about right but with just four minutes to go Wycombe went and won it …
4 I saw this old pamphlet for Shakin' Stevens from about 1971 and it said ‘ Thinking man 's rock'n'roll .
5 It is thought to have been built by the Earls of Ross in about 1590 and a new wing , including a brewhouse and bakery , added in 1623 .
6 He was a tall , thin man of about fifty and he looked like a bloodhound , even to the wet nose , and had a nauseating habit of drooling sentimentally about his wife to anyone who would listen .
7 He is about fifty and still has a full head of jet black slicked-back hair , Elvis-style .
8 and he , I 've got all these marks yeah and he goes oh well that 's roughly about seventy percent oh that 's about sixty that 's about fifty and he goes yes well there 's , there 's nothing to worry about , there 's no great alarm bells ringing yet .
9 About fifty or sixty yards away on the right-band side of the road a mortar bomb burst in the hedgerow , followed a few seconds later by four German soldiers carrying automatic weapons jumping from the hedgerow and scampering along the road .
10 He was about fifty or rather more .
11 It 's it we we took about fifty or so jobs that that were over a hundred thousand pounds , and then we knocked off erm the BES jobs and and jobs which were outside party , jobs where we had n't actually done the design work .
12 You see until er er he lived in er you 're on a about fifty or sixty years ago you know yes .
13 The Severnside cheese cattle were first documented in the thirteenth century and there is a theory that there might be a Norman ancestry , though the evidence is circumstantial : a certain Norman baron owned large parts of the two counties in about 1100 and is known to have imported cattle from Normandy .
14 Detailed discussion of some other Islamic clocks will be found in a book written in Baghdad about 850 and also translated by D. R. Hill .
15 I would judge him to have been about thirty-seven or eight .
16 At either end of this , a heavy duty vice having jaws about eight or nine inches in length .
17 They become mature and adult for working purposes at about eight or nine months and will continue to work for the duration of their life .
18 Edouard was on horseback ; he stopped to look at the child , who was about eight or nine years old , and exceptionally beautiful .
19 I believe Warwick changed over to using steel truss rods about eight or nine months ago but I would urge owners to have their basses checked as soon as possible , and would appreciate some kind of response from Warwick as to the precise situation .
20 ‘ A good age to start music lessons is about eight or nine when children are reading well , ’ she says .
21 Harold was about eight or nine and he was always playing and running about in that meadow yonder . ’
22 Two of the dead were children , a girl aged about eight or nine and a boy of about eleven years , they were travelling together , but otherwise unaccompanied .
23 I only done about eight or nine in all the time I was there .
24 While both databases run in 30 separate environments , only about eight or nine of these generate between 85% to 90% of worldwide turnover .
25 But Brown said , while both databases run in approximately 30 separate computing environments , only about eight or nine of these generate between 85% to 90% of worldwide turnover .
26 The committee which runs this elaborate web of activity includes about eight or nine people , half men , half women .
27 We rode hard all night and it was about eight or nine o'clock in the morning when we reached Strelsau .
28 See at I 'll wake up about eight or nine o'clock , but round here you wake up at six .
29 Down below the bridge , he knew , about eight or nine shambling street people would be setting up the plastic pallets and bakers ' trays that would keep them off the floor for the night .
30 And I could see during the week this was , in the mornings you know , say about eight or nine to ten in the morning , and I could see the figures of the ladies there , cleaning the windows in the morning .
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