Example sentences of "particular [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 To the farm worker sentiments such as these , however well-intentioned they may be , seem patronizing and , although in this particular instance the underlying attitudes were made unusually explicit , they are usually present in the assumptions of many newcomers .
2 In that particular instance the money may or may not have been misspent , and for all I know those wards are now full .
3 In this particular instance the service is the actual act of painting , the goods are the canvas and frame .
4 " Candidates do need firmer guidance and practice in examination techniques as fundamental as reading carefully the examination questions , noting the emphasis given by the wording generally to any particular word or phrase and deciding what particular response the question invites , so that a more discerning and discriminating attitude may be adopted to shaping the material to hand to meet the needs of specific questions . "
5 Where an exclusion clause controlled by the UCTA is specific to a particular liability the effect of the UCTA is either to render the clause unenforceable ( if the UCTA imposes a total ban ) , or ( if the UCTA imposes the requirement of reasonableness ) to render the clause unenforceable if it fails to satisfy that requirement .
6 It is worth noting how paternal authority overrode differences in occupational status and in income : in this particular case the father was a canteen cook , and Zuwaya generally considered that a lower occupation than one deemed intellectual .
7 In one particular case the Education Committee neglected this way of life argument and only argued the closure on financial grounds ( against Regional policy ) but they were forced to reverse their decision when the matter was taken up by the local MP .
8 Under this particular case the Commission held that the unfettered right of allocation of these authorities went towards creating a police state ( Report of the Commission , 5 November 1969 , Yearbook 12 , p.170 ) .
9 As we shall see in the next chapter , their commercial urge to expand was not adequately disciplined by proper costing , though in this particular case the distortions caused were quite small .
10 In that particular case the judges pronounced in general on the right of free speech , but did not go so far as to appoint experts to ascertain whether the accused was right in his criticism or not ( see The Art Newspaper No.14 , January 1992 , p.1 ) .
11 In the particular case the Treaty had not yet been entered into and the Courts would not interfere with the course of treaty negotiations .
12 In this particular case the underlying concept is a classification of reflex actions into two types — the conditioned ( CRA ) and the inborn ( IRA ) .
13 Moreover , in this particular case the justices were hearing this application on 27 January 1992 against the background which included the making of a full care order on 15 May 1991 , an order which , as I have already indicated , was made after hearing submissions by the guardian ad litem and by the local authority which might seem to be in marked distinction to the submissions being made now , only a few months later .
14 Whether in any particular case the person who exerts the undue influence is the agent ( in this sense ) of the principal creditor must be a question of fact .
15 My reference in the next ensuing paragraph to the general principles of responsibility of the principal for the acts of the agent was to set the context of the consideration that in that particular case the solicitors for the creditors were equally deceived by the dishonest conduct of the son as were his own parents .
16 Yes , they are part of the features of the o open countryside , but in this particular case the proximity of Skelton Village to that boundary and the juxtaposition of the of the of the houses around that area and the er other features make this paddock part and the adjoining part of the more visually part of the village .
17 is given to in this particular case the Dave s of the world or other function heads and told
18 In this particular case the information field is being extended in one particular direction : there is an information " thrust " in that direction .
19 In any particular case the link between the Goigama household and the Hena household was permanent and at a personal level relations could be quite close .
20 In this particular case the client , who had a copy of the source code , could carry out error correction himself but , because he had brought the contract to an end , the supplier would cease to be liable for unremedied defects .
21 No further discussion necessary on their budget let's get on with the serious business of funding real education in Hertfordshire which we asked and in this particular case the Labour party .
22 In this particular case the distributive intermediaries , not the manufacturers , are performing the final selling function .
23 I recall with particular pleasure the visit of the younger Edinburgh parish minister who insisted that his strength was of the superhuman variety , but who nevertheless collapsed , laughing , under the weight of a huge box of encyclopaedias .
24 In particular chlorine the most dominant element in sea water it 's quite common in river water but is extremely rare in the rocks that form the earth 's crust .
25 The conference was broadly enough based to include both Samuel Gurney and the intemperate American Garrisonian , Parker Pillsbury , but although the BFASS committee supported a resolution encouraging American abolitionists of all ‘ persuasions , it refused to eat enough of its past words to single out for particular mention the American Anti-Slavery Society , associated with the Garrison 's ‘ heretical ’ notions .
26 Criminal Damage captures with particular poignancy the dubious pleasures of life in retirement in an English village .
27 She was drawn unquestionably to the appearance of things , though she was aware that she had as yet much ground to cover , and that she had followed many a false trail ; she remembered with particular regret the quantities of eyeshadow which she had once thought desirable , and the pendant earrings of the same epoch .
28 This shows all those who are liable to pay community charge and specifies the particular type the individual will pay .
29 CAT is a donee-based tax in which the more people who share in a particular inheritance the lower the tax will be .
30 Although it is less the case now than in the past , the longer a person has been on a particular committee the greater the likelihood that he or she will eventually succeed either to its chair or to the senior minority party position .
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