Example sentences of "room [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Patrick had dumped his things in the Glory Hole , a spare room that served as a space for the computer , the washing-machine and Richie 's permanent stockpot .
2 A rather attractive hexagonal room that went off the main library which seemed sort of ideal for study purposes , or teaching purposes that were associated with the library .
3 I was now at a bit of a loss as to what to do next , so I wandered upstairs to the room that housed the books covering my subject , just to check up on a few things .
4 She parked a pencil in her hair , looked at her wristwatch , compared that with the wall clock , asked us what time we thought it was , then we all went to a small room that housed a phone and an old-fashioned-looking twelve-inch TV set .
5 Getting to her feet , she followed him across the hall and into a room that seemed dark , and faintly depressing , formal .
6 It was all very different from his life of the past year , when Sunday began at about noon in a room that smelled of bed , crawled sluggishly through an afternoon of too many newspapers , and , in final desperation , sought escape at a film or some theatre club .
7 An army of seamstresses repaired costumes and cut and sewed new ones , working in a room that resembled a large draper 's shop with dozens of drawers from ceiling to floor , each crammed with accessories and shoes .
8 Eric was in a room that formed part of the maternity ward — unless a woman in labour was brought in , it was private and quiet : the only place in the hospital that was .
9 She gave him a little push and , in a daze , he followed Dorothy and one or two of the others up the stairs to the room that had been and still seemed to be Bunty 's .
10 It was a sliver of a larger room that had been partitioned off .
11 She had never seen a room that had such a forlorn , unloved look .
12 When the headmistress , with some guilt , asked her to take over the school 's unpopular Commonwealth Society she rolled up her sleeves and cleaned out the dusty room that had been hung with torn posters depicting ‘ Tea-picking in Ceylon , ‘ Coffee Growing in Kenya , ’ and ‘ Sheep Farming in Australia . ’
13 Nevertheless Rosa produced a wooden box which was just the size , and Sarah went back up to the room that had been her home since childhood .
14 He almost ran down the hall , through the kitchen and into the little utility room that had once been a scullery .
15 The smell of disinfectant was strongest in the little room that had once been his .
16 It was here , on the ground floor of the east wing , that Louise Taylor had been found , in the same room that had been the royal family 's drawing-room .
17 She wailed , standing there , looking in at the room that had nothing left of him .
18 The sideboard knocked the wall as he swung round and the noise groaned in the room that had not known such life since the night Francis Sutherland , drunk in front of weekend guests , told his wife , self-assured and aloof on the distant coast of the table , that she was a frigid bitch who needed seeing to and he did n't care who did it .
19 The twelve were there , in the big room that had once served as a dining room in this grand old house .
20 They manhandled her out of the vehicle and through the front doors , down the corridor and into the small , windowless and empty room that had become her home for the last nine hours .
21 There was a hum of excitement in the incident room that had not existed when Blanche and Dexter had left earlier that evening .
22 This was the spare room , the room that had once been a garage , and it was noticeably colder than the rest of the house .
23 He led the clergyman into a room that had the curtains drawn .
24 French doors led into a room that had once been the guests ' lounge , but was now converted into the dining-room .
25 And then the Knife flashed again , describing an arc in the dark room that stayed in the watchers ' vision for a long time .
26 There was a strange silence about the room that puzzled him .
27 She wrote to Carrie and Nick and said she was living in a boarding house in a street near the docks , in a dark little room that smelt of kippers .
28 It was like Edouard , she thought , a room that contrived to be both French — with its delicate painted panelling — and also English in the severity of the furnishings .
29 They were sitting in the room that overlooked the pool .
30 But it was not only the room that depressed Oliver .
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