Example sentences of "room if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But it could n't be working in the room if we had control of the numbers though .
2 Could n't be working in the room if we had control of the numbers .
3 Delegates attending the session in Torquay were asked to sit on the right-hand side of the room if they were in favour of the motion and on the left if they were against it .
4 Some hobbies and interests use equipment or materials that are fascinating or colourful in their own right and these can often lend character to a room if they 're left out on display .
5 For example , most people will not mind waiting a few extra minutes in a hospital waiting room if they know that the doctor has been called away to deal with an emergency .
6 There 's plenty of room if they want to stay the night .
7 That has whetted Graham 's appetite for more honours — and he accepts he 'll have to keep filling the Highbury trophy room if he is to guarantee his future at the club .
8 . Well in that today he says er when I seen the syringe coming out I just , I 'll not be in the room if he 's getting injected .
9 She was saying , ‘ You can come up to my room if you like .
10 If it is dark , switch on subdued lighting in each room , and your red-glow fire in the sitting room if you do n't have a ‘ real ’ fire .
11 This gives you so much more flexibility to have people to stay , to rent out a room if you become hard up or to simply have a room to move into while you decorate your main bedroom .
12 Remember we have a spare room if you fancy a ‘ wee ’ holiday .
13 ‘ Got a side-saddle back there in the tack room if you prefer , ’ said Tom in that bland way .
14 You always have your meal in the kitchen and I 'm not opening the dining-room at such short notice , but you can go and sit in the front room if you want to . ’
15 ‘ I 'll show you your room if you like , ’ she offered .
16 The backs of pews were generally panelled which makes them super for panelling a whole room if you can get the quantity , given a bit of designing skill and reworking .
17 we 'll show you now how to put on a pressure bandage for severe bleeding and then we 'll put the film on and you can see the whole lot again , okay , so just be in the room if you just push and push and push on the window and er the hand has gone through the window , right , and there 's no glass imbedded but it 's cut right across the palm and the reason that we show you this one is because the artery that feeds all these fingers comes and the thumb comes up in an arch like that okay , so the artery comes down , up in an arch across the palm of the hand , so the fingers and thumb all get a blood supply , so when you cut the palm of your hand there is a lot of blood pumping out , okay , so what 's the first thing I 'd tell her to do ?
18 Take with you to court all the authorities that you may possibly require : leave them in the robing room if you think they will probably not be needed , but have them ready to back you up in case they are .
19 It was a very feminine room if you happened to like your femininity in ton lots .
20 ‘ But keep to your room if you fear him , Isabel .
21 Yeah , you could have loads , there 's , there 's loads of room if you , could ge if you , if you bring that do it in here
22 once the room , once the water 's got to the temperature of the room if you 're not using the loo
23 I could find heaven in this room if I wanted .
24 I could al , soon ask mum to stop you from going in my room if I wanted to .
25 David escorted her there on her first morning and was touchingly concerned for her , insisting on taking a cushion for her to soften the hard seat on the press benches and urging her to promise to leave the stuffy , dark-panelled room if she felt faint or troubled .
26 I mean when she is , is on her own I presume she 'd go to her room if she wants ?
27 Perpetual spinach and carrots will tolerate growing close together , but any flowering plant wants elbow room if it is to develop a stem strong enough to support the branches that will spring from it .
28 An ordinary NHS patient can ask to be given a greater degree of privacy in a separate room if it is not needed on medical grounds for other patients , and can pay for the privilege .
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