Example sentences of "himself [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If the nurse neglects this part of her role the amputee may fall and injure himself or lose confidence in his ability to adapt and cope with this problem .
2 If the workers fail to perform , the supervisor will guarantee to do the job himself or assist the workers to do it .
3 Be can not marry himself or marry his sons or daughters without leave , nor sell for himself a foal he has foaled , if male .
4 ( 4 ) Where a sale by auction is not notified to be subject to a right to bid on behalf of the seller , it is not lawful for the seller to bid himself or to employ any person to bid at such a sale , or for the auctioneer knowingly to take any bid from the seller or any such person .
5 However in this situation the auctioneer may not accept a bid on behalf of the seller ; s57(4) and ( 5 ) provide : ( 4 ) Where a sale by auction is not notified to be subject to a right to bid by or on behalf of the seller , it is not lawful for the seller to bid himself or to employ any person to bid at the sale , or for the auctioneer knowingly to take any bid from the seller or any such person .
6 He waited for Ballater to explain himself or to state the reason for his visit .
7 In the extraordinary procedure , however , the magistrate either dealt with the case himself or appointed a deputy ( iudex pedaneus ) .
8 The pathogens which cause dysentery , typhoid and some forms of gastroenteritis are excreted in the faeces , so hands contaminated with faeces , if inadvertently put near the mouth , can re-infect the person himself or infect food which may be consumed by others .
9 Sadly he deteriorated very quickly until he could no longer care for himself or communicate in any understandable way .
10 It is uncertain whether he composed this song himself or adapted an existing poem to the mocking , sentimental tone that was his and was already regarded as typical of Dublin .
11 He climbed into the back seat and looked towards Annie 's cabin , making little attempt to conceal himself or keep low .
12 But on terms he knows the boy wo n't accept himself or let us accept for him .
13 the kind of graceful , tolerant , sleepy boy who is showered with favours and crowned with all the laurels , who is liked by the masters and admired by the boys without any apparent exertion on his part , without experiencing the ill-effects of success himself or arousing the pangs of envy in others .
14 ‘ That 's because he has n't learned to pace himself or to sort out what 's important and what is n't .
15 She will recognize that the client is repeating himself or demanding a particular reaction from her .
16 Well I I think its , the way that the plaintiff puts the case on that point my Lord is that even if the defendant Mr took the view er that it would not have been proper for such a notice to be served , in view of what the plaintiff was saying to him about his wish to get out of the contract , the fact that it was available to him should have been brought to his attention and then as Mr was saying that I sorry I do n't feel I can do this on your behalf because it 's not proper in the circumstances or whatever erm , should then have gone on to advise the plaintiff either to do it himself or to go and seek independent advice .
17 It seems to me that it is impossible to say that in carrying out that exercise he misdirected himself or came to a conclusion to which he could not reasonably have come in the exercise of his discretion .
18 It is of course a very difficult subject to talk about and many families who know or suspect that a relative has killed himself or tried to , are ashamed and refuse to talk about it , or make up all kinds of stories to cover the fact up .
19 Accordingly either the murderer did this himself or paid someone else to do it . ’
20 We treat just a couple , place some in the exercises and leave the rest for the reader to prove for himself or look up in , for example , [ 24 ] .
21 I refer especially to the case of a constituent , a boy who can not walk , talk , feed himself or do anything for himself , and will never be any different , as a result of meningitis at the age of three .
22 So anything that the landlo er the rich peasant owns and works himself or cultivates by hired labour you 're going to allow to keep .
23 ‘ And almost every night I 'm woken by the sound of Graham trying to scratch himself or asking me to scratch him .
24 The vendor may offer the site for sale himself or instruct an estate agent to act on his behalf in the disposal of his property or land .
25 So a rich peasant will be able to keep all of the land he was working himself , all the land he was working by hired labour and land that he hired , er that he rented out as long as the amount he , he rented out did not exceed all of the land that he worked himself or used hired labour .
26 Now here he was in Simanggang with his mosquito nets , journals , chronometers , compasses , barometer , medicine cabinet , guns and one offspring , out to cure himself or discover a New Way of Thought , whichever would cause most trouble in a world already tormented by too much belief .
27 In either type of case the Director of Public Prosecutions has the power to take over the proceedings at any stage , either by conducting them himself or discontinuing them .
28 If the shares are those if a listed company this anomalous position can be ended rapidly because , unless the shares are not fully paid , there will not be any restrictions on transferability and the personal representative will either obtain registration of himself or execute a transfer to a purchaser or to the beneficiaries .
29 Three , why does n't he ask me himself or set his Archdeacon on ?
30 Further problems would arise if the defendant chose to give evidence himself or call witnesses .
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