Example sentences of "mean [noun pl] be " in BNC.

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1 A similar comparison was made for values of B , here mean values were 0.28 higher in Study 3 and this difference was significant ( F(1,100)=5.87 , p<0.05 ) .
2 I mean bananas were , were , only children had bananas and er orange juice , you , you got that at the clinic and cod liver oil , terrible horr horrible cod liver oil .
3 Like there is today , I mean things are altered when you get a ship now , when you get the dredger what was in the East Anglia Daily Times er yesterday , where a ship open in half , so th they load it with a grab and that go to sea and ship open in half , drop it down so there 's no doors .
4 But maybe cos there was no opportunity , they did n't see there to be I mean like they did n't know any better but as soon as , I mean things are rapidly changing they 're given the opportunity to erm I mean through the struggles to actually take charge of the conditions and to gain so some material and perhaps there was beginnings of them seeing that well perhaps we ought to look more to this sub-culture and to erm
5 actually it was erm I forget what it was when me mother-in-law died and she used to moan about the shop and I said to Christine the time she goes down and back I mean things are dear in , but some of the things in the shop now , and then , are cheaper than down the town , so if you take your , your bus
6 That 's right , it 's erm obviously with the developments this morning erm on one of the erm French news reporters having seem some Israeli war planes going off , I mean things are sort of worsening by the minute .
7 I mean gloves are
8 I mean as usual with financial journalism , er i it 's somewhere in between , I mean endowments are having a bad run at the moment and that 's because they 've paid out such excellent bonuses in the past so if you 've had a maturity in the last four or five years , you 'll have seen how good they are .
9 They had n't thought about that do you know , I reckon that Sister Josephine erm behind all this , she wanted that hall and she and Father used to talk about this you see they want to extend the church back and do away with the car parking area as well , oh that 's alright , but erm sort of ca n't see any point in it , I mean congregations are going down , they 're not increasing , the church is big enough for what is necessary I would of thought would n't you ?
10 And they were laid off I mean squads were laid off even before the boat was anywhere near finished .
11 You know we were asked , Do you want your own bank account really and we decided er democratically that we 'd have the one bank account really for make sure the D H S S did n't start snooping really and you know er that 's worked very well I mean certainly the men very much tell us everything that 's going on and erm well you know I do n't think there 's any conflict of erm I do n't know you know it 's it 's difficult I suppose it 's amazing really the way it does work you know and that er you know but it 's quite loose really because it 's er that 's in a way the way one of it 's successes probably you know that 's it 's not a very structured I mean probably the lodge is more structured I mean men are used to their lodge meetings are n't they you know ?
12 Salix arctica , for example , grows three times faster in East Greenland than at Resolute , Cornwallis Island , and barely survives at Isachson , Ellef Ringnes Island ; July mean temperatures are respectively about 8°C , 4°C and 2°C ( Warren Wilson , 1964 ) .
13 It was really interesting to hear from a personal view , as well , actually , you know , I mean rainforests are to most of us just something we see on the television or we see pictures , it 's sort of a rather romantic idea , or a mythic idea , it 's lovely to talk to someone who 's got a much more overall view of the whole problem .
14 Slack planning laws mean hotels are growing up all over the place , said Nick — who quickly threw out his own idea that the West has all the answers to the problems .
15 Yeah I mean thi is now sixty one years which
16 But , I mean horses are expensive
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