Example sentences of "mean [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 And I mean being that he parked there it was perfect were n't it ?
2 What I mean is that you will find little use for the basic ‘ one — pause — two ’ sequences of block followed by counter-attack .
3 You can , of course , say that a certain bait catches more bream than any other , but what you really mean is that a certain bait is used more often than any other on the waters with which you are acquainted .
4 Who would ever say : ‘ Boy suspended by Head , Top Prof. slams system ’ , when what they mean is that a pupil has been sent home by his headmaster and some well-known professor does n't think that is a good idea ?
5 Well , when we say horrifying car crash what we really mean is that one of the two cars got a puncture and the other vehicle bashed into the back of them but you never know , it could have been worse .
6 ‘ Well , I suppose what I mean is that Richard is someone I would never have introduced to my parents — and he is someone I had quite a … sexual relationship with .
7 When we have a hunch that somebody is telling lies , for instance , ‘ what we really mean is that their body language and their spoken words do not agree . ’
8 Since no child has no things they do not especially like , what parents really mean is that they ( the parents ) can not think of anything .
9 What you mean is that we might bang into things or kick a detonator on the nose or something of the kind .
10 A decision which has never had any legal effect can not be deprived of legal effect , and so when we say that certiorari quashes a decision which the decision-maker had no jurisdiction to make , what we really mean is that the order formally declares that from the moment it was purportedly made ( ‘ ab initio ’ ) the decision had no effect in law .
11 What they really mean is that they can not find any acceptable community leadership to support .
12 What these anomalies mean is that within one and the same constituency the price paid in first-preference votes for the election of a TD varies greatly .
13 Of course not , all I mean is that the distance between the charges is very small with respect to some other distance of interest .
14 any other views on that , I mean is that a , yes
15 ‘ What you mean is that my uncle will tell me what to say . ’
16 All I mean is that brides are always described as beautiful . ’
17 I think what they mean is that they appear so intent on their work that they do n't seem to notice onlookers .
18 What I mean is that if he gets hit in the body anywhere , any place above his balls , he is dead , no dispute .
19 Well is that fetching I mean is that a is that the routine that 's picking information back from the lexicon or something ?
20 I mean is that because that because you 've made that one of the things you want to do , you want to avoid if possible or
21 No what I mean is that er once the item is in production if you wish to order another hundred drop tanks or another thousand drop tanks if you make that order then approximately one year later you would receive deliveries of those tanks against that order .
22 ‘ What I mean is that you have already told me , ’ he cut in sharply .
23 ‘ What I mean is that I wish I could snap my fingers and suddenly there 'd be a band playing some soft , slow music . ’
24 What I mean is that I 've finally been forced to admit that the large-animal side of veterinary practice is still controlled by men .
25 Alan Wilson examines the core of the broadcasters ' unease Changing channels ‘ What these figures mean is that less than one third of the Scottish licence fees was spent north of the Border , while the comparable figure for England was over 90 per cent'
26 ‘ What these figures mean is that less than one third of the Scottish licence fees were spent here that year , while the comparable figure for England was over 90 per cent , ’ said one disgruntled producer .
27 Yeah but would they , what I mean is that there are even for the parents
28 I know , but what I mean is that when they see the city centre , the people who are walking up and down the city centre , they see all the national charities , they do n't necessarily feel that they 're organised in the same way and therefore that they should be participating , and the whole palaver of getting a licence and applying is actually quite difficult , it 's not a simple , it 's not something , we get numerous telephone calls in the office saying ‘ Well can I go out next Saturday and rattle a tin for such-and-such ’ , and you say ‘ Well , you ca n't ’ , and it 's left much too late , so that people do n't know about the way you get licenses to rattle tins in city centre .
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