Example sentences of "'s [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I think he 's has loads and loads of things had a lot 's and lot 's to eat
2 Yeah and the alternative you know Mi Mike 's made calls in the past .
3 That 's the mistake Steven 's made girlfriends .
4 like John Smith 's made promises then that Conservatives have n't done this , that and the other , he must be able to do them now must n't he ?
5 But erm he 's certainly , he 's made enquiries .
6 But I think that he would probably agree , and I know he 's made comments at various times on this subject , about er the grass that is left behind and it is always a problem I think throughout the county erm where grass is cut and then spread around .
7 And with us , she 's met loads of people and she goes out with them a lot through college so
8 She 's met loads of really nice people and does n't know where to put her eyes while the blokes walk past !
9 Yeah everything 's written quotes and goodness knows what .
10 Chair you will not be surprised to hear me coming yet again to s to raise the point about regeneration in West Yorkshire and to say that I agree with Mr and M Mr but I find myself agreeing also with Mr 's written comments in his paragraph three sixteen where he clearly points to the fact that settlement in this south west quadrant would serve West Yorkshire perhaps more so than N than York .
11 And he 's written books and all the rest of it and in fact he 's , he 's going to be erm lecturing at Royal College
12 Who 's seen , who 's seen police signs out the back of police cars that says slow down , danger ?
13 When she 's seen Neighbours we 'll put it on .
14 Oh yeah , he 's done loads of it
15 Really it 's done men for good , for years has n't it ?
16 What I have said to Neil and Neil is honest but once or twice he 's said things and I 've said , no Neil !
17 I mean I there was a thing I do n't know if anybody 's told Pessaries , Doctor Pessaries , that you could use .
18 We 've heard from Michael about the access problems on this corridor , erm he 's produced figures that show that this particular route is over design capacity .
19 oh it 's got hearts on
20 She 's got loads in her room .
21 He 's got loads of interesting things like wooden masks and a big metal pipe for smoking and a little brass bell .
22 Marie 's got loads of friends , and they all came to say goodbye .
23 It 's got loads of flowerbeds and that , and a little bridge over the middle of the pond .
24 Wealth : Pater 's got loads but Blandford tends to forget that when one buys things ( like £2,699 pianos ) one does rather have to pay for them
25 Surely he 's got loads of time for people who struggle at maths , sport , speelling etc ?
26 True , the area is short on tough physical challenge , but it 's got loads of charm and what 's wrong with a bit charm now and then ?
27 Well Traidcraft 's got loads to sell .
28 cos she 's got loads of , sorry ?
29 I know erm it 's got loads of punch .
30 It 's got loads of mud loads of mud .
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