Example sentences of "before they [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The Little Sisters of Pity are saints compared to the rest of us , but they need confession before they partake of Mass and both functions need a priest .
2 It has even led in extreme cases to a few excavators being so certain of what they would find before they put a spade into the ground , that evidence was selected and rejected in accordance with their predetermined thinking .
3 ‘ I always know when I visit Conservative houses because they wash their milk bottles before they put them out , ’ was one howler which contributed to her being booed off the stage when she addressed students at the London School of Economics .
4 And if they died , we us I helping my moni my Mother many at time , to wash them down , before they put them in the coffins .
5 It does n't mean to say they do n't like participating , but they 'd like to you know see what the group view is before they put in their own views so they 're analyzing , thinking .
6 Les was happy to show how it should be done … as for the students , they 've a lot of practicing ahead before they put on a circus show for a local school in a couple of weeks time .
7 What was here before they put these up Carl ?
8 Well , before they put that token in it , then my bills used to come in about fifty , sixty pound .
9 and in my opinion they should of clad the plywood with plasterboard before they put the tiles on
10 They do not proceed to ask what is your religion before they serve .
11 I 'm sure the gladiators will enjoy a spot of tiddlywinks with Uncle Nero before they die — but mind you do n't end up on the funeral pyre yourself going leap-frogging over the mourners like that .
12 This feeling owes a lot to all the novels and films and to actual practice with condemned men being ‘ granted their last wish before they die ’ , but it is also a strong expression of trying to anticipate impending loss .
13 Measurements of body damage ; for example , if you find that keeping chickens in a particular way results in a large number having broken bones before they die , that is important in assessing the effect of that condition on the welfare of the animal .
14 lives before they die .
15 Sounds as if the guy is suffering from Hemingway Syndrome : ‘ computers may see their silicon lives flash before their eyes , so to speak , just before they die , ’ Prodigy Services Co suggests , reporting that physicist Stephen Thaler of McDonnell Douglas Corp has been playing with neural networks as a way to speed diamond crystal growth but while by day , he created and trained the neural nets , by night , he began annihilating them to see what would happen , randomly severing links , and when between 10% and 60% of the links were destroyed , the network regurgitated nonsense , but as it approached death , 90% of the connections severed , it generated distinct values that had been trained into it , and at times even output ‘ whimsical ’ states , where it would generate values that were neither trained nor ones that would appear in a healthy net , says Thaler , who thinks it may say something about near-death experiences for humans — ‘ It may not just be fancy biochemistry , ’ he suggests .
16 However , they may not be a reliable guide to the distribution of wealth among the living : for instance individuals may transfer some of their wealth to other family members before they die ; moreover those who die tend to be older than other members of the population , and wealth is not equally distributed between age groups .
17 It is only a matter or time before they die … and there are few new sapling in these machine-cut hedges to replace them , even if farmers wanted them .
18 Seeing as the best thing about Levitation is the way they challenge his previous band 's liabilities , it 's a shame Tel 's still trying to master his own voice , but there 's still time before they release their debut single .
19 ‘ I think we 'll have to wait until they notify the next of kin before they release that information . ’
20 Notice is set to go up in the local regsistrar 's office on Thursday , just 48 hours before they walk down the aisle .
21 If something bugs them , I want them to tell me before they walk on court . ’
22 Treating heart attack victims with clot-busting drugs before they reach hospital can reduce deaths by up to 17 per cent , Dr Philip Hannaford , of the Royal College of General Practitioners ' Manchester research unit , told a meeting in Dallas , Texas , yesterday .
23 Somehow I must get up the Library steps , for if I can get in there before they reach me , they wo n't be able to duff me in .
24 But by far the majority perish , before they are even hatched — or at least before they reach maturity and breed themselves .
25 If present trends continue , it is estimated that around 1 in 4 children will experience the divorce of their parents before they reach 16 ( Haskey , 1990 ) .
26 In order for the information in the artefacts to become directly usable , we must then organise our affairs so that the artefacts are transformed before they reach the executive decision maker 's desk .
27 There is an increasing need to predict the environmental hazards of chemicals before they reach the marketplace , and this demands methods to support the often limited experimental data .
28 It is even more difficult to find the boundary in front of the wicket since ‘ the sweepers ’ are out on the mid-wicket and cover boundaries , cutting off the strokes which penetrate the inner ring of fieldsmen before they reach the ropes .
29 At least half of these are likely to die before they reach a year old .
30 The shark then chases all the children and has to try and touch them before they reach the safety of the side of the pool .
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