Example sentences of "before it get " in BNC.

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1 The shelter that Jenny had found for me was in Camden Town , not too far away , so in order not to arrive there before it got going for the evening , I dawdled a little , window-shopping .
2 I decided to leave before it got dark , first thanking the Padre and his two Breton friends for their very kind hospitality .
3 Everyone took turns to patrol the streets at night during air raids , and had to be particularly vigilant in the event of firebombs , because if they were on the spot with their fire buckets of sand and water , many a fire could be put out before it got too bad .
4 Her mother had told her to bring back at least one load before it got dark , and it would be much more fun if I went with her .
5 These last months , the women have taken it over , giving birth in the annexe and taking and bricking the babe up as soon as it breathed , and before it got found and eaten .
6 ‘ Tell him there 's a slight possibility that the horses ’ drinking water was tampered with on the train , before it got to Thunder Bay .
7 ‘ I still use Marshalls and I 've got a 100-watt head , although it 's nowhere near as good as an early '60s 50-watt Marshall which I used for about nine years before it got stolen .
8 The government had better learn to reach compromises with its own MPs before it got into a pickle .
9 I wish I could have stopped it before it got out of hand .
10 Before it got to this stage there would undoubtedly have been letters flying between the two .
11 Meanwhile , Gower , who will be in India this winter commentating for BSkyB , last night changed his position on the protest , saying : ‘ I had hoped they might drop this before it got to the full meeting .
12 McLaren boss Teddy Mayer as much as admitted at the end of 1975 that he thought Emerson wanted to move — or that he was in personal trouble of one kind and another — but the official news reached Hunt before it got to the team , and got to Hunt through Domingos Piedade , an eccentric figure close to the cheerful groupie Googie Zanon , a wealthy ( textiles ) Italian aristocrat whose support has been crucial to many drivers at critical points in their career , then ‘ manager ’ to Emerson and now to Ayrton Senna — a fringe career from which Domingos , hugely personable , but also often more a talker than a doer , has made a more than reasonable living .
13 Because we felt that the application for mining , the timing would be picked by the companies , there would be immense pressure on the people to change their position because at that stage it would be out in the open that there was money there and that it would be in the government 's hands and we felt we would lose that so what we had to do was get it stopped before it got to that stage ’ .
14 Consequently , as stories reached the capital of excessive clampdowns and criticisms , the leadership were unnerved and had to halt the campaign before it got out of hand .
15 There has also always been a set of discerning clubbers who would travel to London , Manchester , Glasgow and Ibiza ( before it got overrun by teds and dodgy promoters ) and keep Belfast abreast of developments .
16 Mick Jones is in good form for the duration , messing with his old buddies Strummer and Simonon in ‘ Medicine Show ’ , grooving a bit with Neneh Cherry and storming Trafalgar Square ( ‘ The Bottom Line ’ ) before it got trendy .
17 Cursory reading of the financial pages over the past few months would have left the average reader with the impression that while the US and UK economies were laboriously but undeniable clambering out of the recessionary trough , Japan was flat on its back and looking like getting worse before it got better , and that high interest rates in Germany were plunging that economy into a recessionary black hole and dragging most of the rest of the continent with it — now comes a report from International Data Corp saying its Global IT Survey of 5,000 computer executives , 500 chief executives and finance chiefs , and 1,100 local network managers in six biggest economies indicates that growth in computer spending will rise 2% to 3% in 1993 and , surprise , surprise — the US and the UK should outperform the rest of Europe and Japan .
18 Along with the products would have gone a lot more of the people than USL cut loose right before it got bought .
19 One might embark upon a conversation and find it quite suddenly rounded off before it got under way .
20 If she had been feeling fitter and healthier , she certainly would have been better equipped to deal with the stresses , and to control her weight gain before it got out of hand .
21 It was a pity that it would be blown to atoms long before it got there .
22 Before it got burnt and that there used to be a dressing rooms there .
23 It has its new smell still — the perfect red plastic smell , the smell of writing numbers in arithmetic books ruled in squares ; the smell it had before it got mixed up in the dust and plasticine and tangled electric flex in the toy drawer .
24 I was courteous , but did n't encourage conversation too much because I wanted to start detecting before it got too late .
25 Before it got too hot .
26 He tapped in the code , then waited , knowing the signal was being scrambled through as many as a dozen sub-routes before it got to its destination .
27 We met on the beach early next morning before it got too hot .
28 There was all sorts of processes before it got to that and after it got to that stage .
29 I was so convinced of my calling so before it got that far I had to step hack from the relationship . "
30 The younger boys did not take at all kindly to Hilary lounging in a superior way in front of the set and drawling out the dialogue before it got spoken .
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