Example sentences of "least in the " in BNC.

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1 The art discussed may still be in situ , or at least in the country of its origin ; hence the immense attraction of travel to the sites of great civilisations such as Egypt or Mexico .
2 It is also true that the religious practice of those who attend vocational schools has been significantly inferior to those who attended catholic secondary schools , at least in the 1970s ( Nic Ghiolla Phadraig 1980 ) .
3 ( The ‘ on decay ’ aspect is significant , encapsulating a cynical view of life , not least in the shattered security resulting from his father 's death . )
4 Not least in the sexual , for both projected a red-blooded response to their manhood which goes beyond the merely sexual or corporeal , claiming — demanding ! — the full world of nature and manhood as their proper spheres : nothing was to be too sacred , for all is sacred — a Blakeian conception which predates Blake in its patent Jewishness by millennia , not centuries .
5 The next claim which constructivism makes is that centralsystem thinking emerges out of the organism 's interaction with the environment , an interaction that is initially a literal inter- action but which is later carried out internally , at least in the human case .
6 It is because God is not subject to such things that He may be said not to suffer , at least in the way human beings do .
7 ‘ The market is so bad now that it wo n't get any worse , at least in the South , ’ said Richard Roberts , an economist with Barclays Bank .
8 As before 1917 , so by 1922 the central political authority still mingled quite closely , at least in the European provinces , on territorial and cultural grounds with the minorities , whether in Belorussia or the Ukraine .
9 Locked in a marriage with a wife who showed increasing signs of mental instability and whose health constantly brought her to the point of death , exhausted in his work and fearing for his own life and sanity , Eliot 's view of relations between the sexes is at its bleakest , as is shown not least in the epigraphs , which were originally further universalized by including ( in the draft synopsis ) ,
10 What else , after all , was Christ in his death but the keenest image of abjection and arrogance , the epitome of that transgressive masochism which has played such an important part in making and unmaking our culture , not least in the figure of the martyr , and which figures over and again in the cultural depictions of the crucifix ?
11 Its side effects , at least in the popular mind , included two other assassinations , those of the popular reformist MP , J.M. Kariuki , and Pia Gama Pinto , an Asian lawyer who frequently wrote radical speeches for Odinga .
12 This process of interaction is for Marx and Engels both a source of conceptualization and also of a sort of natural religion , at least in the earlier stages of evolution .
13 Marx argued throughout Capital that although slaves might be more at the mercy of the whims and fancies of their owners than wage workers , it was at least in the interest of the owner to ensure the minimum welfare of his slaves , since they were his property .
14 Experiments in which sleep was taken at different times have shown that REM sleep is very little affected by external factors , with most REM activity in the hours between 8 o'clock and noon , and least in the hours just before midnight .
15 But still , the Louts were tedious , at least in the eyes of Erika and her friends , the more so to Erika who had an uneasy , and not unjustified feeling that Paul was always likely to be drawn into their orbit .
16 He saw that Lewis would not re-enter Christianity by a new door but by the old one : at least in the sense that in taking it up again he would also take up again or reawaken the prejudices so sedulously planted in childhood and boyhood .
17 It will become increasingly clear that Britain is paying a high political price for its refusal to participate in the EMS , not least in the almost immediate reflex reaction against any British proposals to affect the design of a future monetary union .
18 The tomatoes Red Alert and Tornado should give reasonable crops outdoors in a dull summer — at least in the southern half of the country .
19 Refusing ( at least in the domain of leisure ) to deploy power over the self ; to escape , for a few blissful moments , the network of meaning and concern .
20 With any luck they will be right , at least in the form in which co-ordination has been practised since 1985 .
21 Since much of equity returns are in the form of capital gains , at least in the long run , which are taxed only on realisation , personal tax on equity returns is generally in effect much lower than that on the returns to investing in a company 's debt .
22 AT&T has become one of the top seven card-issuers , at least in the number of cards issued if not in charge volume .
23 Yet it is very beautiful rain , at least in the country , clear , sweet , musical , with a bright sky usually overhead , & oftentimes a rainbow .
24 In this way the flea gets to keep its clothes on — at least in the records , if not the collections .
25 As you are reading this , the chances are that you , too , have tried diets , failed ( at least in the long term ) , and then restarted .
26 The ecclesiastical organization thus came to reduplicate the structure of the civil administrative geography , though not quite exactly , and least in the less Romanized areas where the Roman network of cities with their administrative territories was less regular .
27 Poetry was a specialized activity , at least in the sense that few people made or recited poems in public .
28 Yet at least in the first two decades of this major shift in political life , faction was based on commitments other than the purely personal .
29 If the ‘ Free Church Movement ’ was bound up , at least in its leaders ' minds with the cause of union , it was also bound up with politics , at least in the minds of its supporters .
30 A ‘ Society for Promoting Ecclesiastical Knowledge ’ was formed in 1829 ( a balance to the older , Anglican Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge ) ; in 1846 the Evangelical Alliance was begun although it was not , at least in the beginning , mainly Nonconformist .
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