Example sentences of "able [to-vb] them " in BNC.

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1 I 'm able to hit them because they 're trying to get me .
2 This means that firstly , all roles must be filled , secondly that they be filled by those best able to perform them , thirdly that the necessary training for them be undertaken and fourthly that the roles be performed conscientiously .
3 A woman whose home was wrecked by vandals in an attack which caused thousands of pounds of damage says she 's able to forgive them .
4 Roger Martyn , churchwarden of Long Melford in Suffolk , for example , kept the reredos , organ , clocks , and bells of Holy Trinity Church in his own home , in the hope that his heirs would be able to restore them to the church sometime in the future .
5 There is a difference , I think , between making children feel responsible for righting the wrongs of the world that we as adults have created , but at the same time to be able to enable them to think constructively as to what they can do .
6 In Morris ( Herbert ) Ltd v Saxelby there was no doubt that the defendant knew of business secrets but the court decided they were far too complicated and detailed for the defendant to have been able to carry them away in his head and as there was no evidence of actual copying , this part of the claim failed .
7 It is essential ‘ to appreciate other people 's points of view but to be able to swing them round to yours if necessary ’ , a social skill which must be practised in an extremely wide range of relationships .
8 Most importantly , when you meet work colleagues and friends , your springy step must be able to bluff them into believing that you could have managed two laps of the course .
9 Student pilots need plenty of practice at dealing with both these kinds of situation during their basic training if they are to learn to be able to spot them developing .
10 The barriers are clear enough , what remains unclear is why some people are able to surmount them when others fail miserably .
11 To masters , he writes : ‘ If any of you are not able to instruct them , be deeply humbled presently , and get others to instruct them . ’
12 As new products become available we ensure that you are the first to know about them … and the first to be able to enjoy them .
13 Although losses may be equal , the side that is the better able to sustain them will derive most benefit from any encounter .
14 But her beautiful mask had just slipped , and underneath were fear and insecurity so deep that only a professional would be able to uproot them .
15 Local authorities may wish to use these powers to offer short periods of " respite care " to children in need whose families are otherwise able to accommodate them .
16 But I know of several people who having been in full-time Christian work have been prepared to get a secular job for a time , until the new church was able to support them .
17 Previously the rents from landowning had been able to support them , but an accumulation of land reforms since liberation had drastically reduced revenues .
18 Rita 's sorrow today at having to leave her children thousands of miles away is well concealed by her satisfaction at being able to support them from afar .
19 Where he did have strong personal views , he proved less willing or less able to implement them over the opposition of others .
20 Women who 've adopted babies have been able to breastfeed them , though not always fully .
21 ‘ Every club is in a different situation , and with the economic situation so difficult , it makes sense to play games when most people are able to attend them .
22 able to plant them out then
23 That brought tears to my eyes and I turned away so that Jeff would n't be able to see them , then fought them back .
24 I wonder if it is here that the pictures are to appear , worrying that the seats are badly arranged , pointing the wrong way , that we wo n't be able to see them properly .
25 In another sense they may seem to know them too little , to be too little able to see them in relation to other , contemporary , young people : as much chance of a fair assessment from a family as from a school .
26 You will be able to see them opening and closing their huge mouths as they intercept items of food which the current is bringing to them .
27 At a fair distance , and without being able to see them clearly in the encroaching dusk , they seemed a friendly lot and we yelled back .
28 The old and lonely are very vulnerable , and if you have sounded detached , preoccupied , or hurried during the conversation they can easily feel hurt and rejected ; and that hurt can be like an emotional graze that will remain painful until you are able to see them again and heal it .
29 As it turned out , he was able to see them while in no danger of being seen .
30 A quiet , empty room is needed so that the testing can be undisturbed , a check must be made for absent children , and the eye charts to be used must be left in a place where pupils will not be able to see them beforehand .
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