Example sentences of "together in a " in BNC.

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1 The photographs were taken over a period of ten years , and eventually they were brought together in a book in 1960 ; ten of the book 's essays originally appeared in Vogue , where the appealing mix of an artist 's conversation along with Liberman 's descriptions and commentary succeeded well .
2 One law for the rich and another for the poor , as the two systems can be made to seem , are laid down together in a book which commemorates a desertion , on the author 's part , of the rich for the poor .
3 They now lie together in a single lot in a local cemetery .
4 This thing here , which looks like a wooden club , is actually several pieces of particular wood cunningly put together in a certain way so that the whole thing is sprung , like a dance floor .
5 The last three months particularly are charged with electricity — and you are suddenly involved both in the throes of final productions and the ‘ business ’ of acting ; it all comes together in a thrilling rush , and the time goes quickly .
6 In recent years , photographs of newcomers to the profession have been put together in a volume expressly produced for that purpose , by Spotlight .
7 But they had meant it , and he was eager now to bring everybody together in a fine , hard point of resolve , in case zeal slackened and died away in the holiday atmosphere of this soft , comfortable afternoon .
8 Consequently , mental phenomena could emerge from a physical system which does not contain neurons at all , if its physical components were arranged together in a particular way .
9 But not for long , for they make another pledge by tying themselves together in a cat 's cradle .
10 This is approaching the temperature below which theoreticians expect atoms to fuse together in a new kind of matter .
11 Wild Boar Hamburgers Ingredients : 450g ( 1lb ) lean boar meat from shoulder or loin 50g ( 2oz ) fresh boar or pork back fat 3tbs breadcrumbs 2tbs fresh cream 2tbs fennel seed 1 ½ tsp fine sea salt Freshly ground black pepper Small pinch ground cloves and nutmeg Preparation : Mince the meat and fat and mix in the remaining ingredients , or mix all the ingredients together in a food processor .
12 The crew said they had survived on the upturned hull , sleeping huddled together in a compartment the size of a double bed .
13 ‘ When you put the two together , the cross-linking reaction occurs , and all the amine molecules at the interface of the two liquids join together in a polymer .
14 He also ranged higher and spoke inspirationally of the ‘ absolutely imperative task , to bring the whole world together in a cause which both touches and imperils our common humanity ’ .
15 The fighting in our immediate area seemed to have quietened down as we handed over the prisoners to join , I would think , about a couple of hundred , all gathered together in a field close to the orchard .
16 Savage and city , bound together in a world fundamentally meaningless and hurtful , furnish expression for Eliot 's private torment .
17 The first process is in part an aspect of the interaction of men grouped together in a society and engaged in production .
18 The fierce rivalries of teams and top competitors has masked the warmth of participating together in a team or standing on the terraces cheering on your side .
19 Between them they brought together in a hotel in Windsor the chairmen of sixty major companies in Britain and a crowd of bright , articulate members of the black community .
20 Sometimes , when he thought he might die , as Eileen had died , some deep and insatiable curiosity about life and living in him , some craving to take with him a deeper knowledge of women and their essence made him long to lie in love with her , to taste the sweetness of her mystery , to see the world just once from a vantage point where the lost and lonely flesh that is man and woman comes together in a healing synthesis .
21 Then out to his bed in a loft over the cowshed , leaving the family to draw in together in a cosy , alien-excluding unit around the flaming and hissing timber , to lie and smoke by the light of a candle and think o better days in the orphanage and wonder in unembittered fashion — for he had been happy there — about the mother who had abandoned him and the even shadowier lover who must have abandoned her .
22 This year , Armani is pairing longer-than-ever cardigan jackets with tiny little shorts in matching suiting , sometimes weaving the two together in a one-piece coat-dress .
23 WHEN 20 representatives of the South African Cricket Union and the National Sports Congress sit down together in a Johannesburg hotel tonight it is to be hoped that among them is someone with the wisdom of Solomon .
24 Doubtless that was the trigger , but an operation of 24,000 men is not thrown together in a few days .
25 Today the two teams end the Eighties in opposition again and , to mark the occasion , fans of both teams have got together in a spirit of goodwill and charity .
26 It 's a real effort to click back to that frame of mind , which is bad because fanaticism is the true experience of pop , not discrimination and broad-mindedness — I think of the splendid devotion of all those boys and girls , who as soon as they 've got hold of the new Cure or New Order or Bunnymen record , immediately set to learning the lyrics by heart , then spend days exhaustively interpreting the Tablets From on High , struggling to establish some fit between their experience and what is actually some drunken doggerel cobbled together in a studio off-moment .
27 It 's the songs ' incoherence — for who can keep themselves together in a world that 's falling apart — that gives them their power : to hurt , if not to motivate .
28 I do n't think he conceived ‘ Ziggy Stardust ’ as a concept album , but the songs slotted together in a way that it became a concept , and the way he presented it on stage , how he wanted to look , how the boy 's costumes looked ( facsimiles of his — though his were patterned and theirs were simple ) meant that he 'd breathe life into a concept hero .
29 Chop all the ingredients together in a liquidiser or food processor , then gradually add sufficient olive oil to give a smooth paste .
30 Place the two ingredients together in a vinaigrette bottle or small screw-top jar and shake vigorously until blended .
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