Example sentences of "together and [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't see the exiles and émigrés banding together and achieving anything of importance but limited media coverage . ’
2 You would see broken cups gathering themselves together and jumping back onto the table .
3 Clicking his heels together and bowing slightly , Tim — or Tiger Tim as his pals dubbed him — would formally introduce himself and his sniggering friends .
4 He strode in purposefully then stopped three paces from the T'ang , clicking his heels together and bowing his head .
5 By bringing the two parties together and structuring a transaction involving the use of Floating Rate Agreements ( FRAs ) , an overall package can be brought to the market .
6 Over the years , the departments have moved closer together and combining them will also lead to efficiency savings for the authority .
7 The significant factor was that a number of racial groups incorporating pre-Celtic and Celtic influences from France and Ireland were now showing signs of working together and establishing not merely tribal oppida but a virtual kingdom to pit against their rivals , Roman or otherwise .
8 He and Gina went on living together and nagging each other quietly .
9 By half distance in the nine lap race , the handicap had unravelled and although Albert Shaw ( Kings Moss ) and West Down veteran Eddie Crory held a 40 seconds advantage , the rest of the field was back together and baring down on the leaders .
10 Then she brought both hands back to her lips and spread her arms expansively , before bringing them back together and pushing her fists forward at waist-height as she rocked on her haunches ; then the banana sign , clearer and more distinct this time , both hands finally coming together with the fingers bent , a rough but distinct letter B.
11 1 A group of words frequently found together and producing collectively a meaning not apparent from the meaning of each component part of the group ( Ridout and Clarke 1970 ) .
12 The preacher held his hands together and looking skywards said , ‘ Forgive them Lord , for they know not what they do . ’
13 In every Legion Regiment , the English-speaking people stuck together in tight groups , drinking together , socialising together and looking after each other ; Australians , South Africans and Canadians joined in with the club , which evolved its own codes of conduct and unspoken rules of behaviour .
14 He had what seemed to me a great genius for — how can I put it ? — drawing the orchestra together and controlling it as a single expressive instrument .
15 They all instantly mimic him , pressing their hands together and casting their eyes soulfully upwards .
16 And and receiving together and eating together .
17 Objectively , it is true that Okapi nearly always retrieves as much as or more than LIBERTAS , but LIBERTAS sometimes outputs records in a more sensible order , keeping editions of the same work together and taking word adjacency into account in the weighting procedure ( so that records containing the actual search statement come out first ) .
18 We have suggested techniques for creating continuity through the different sections of your essay , by linking together and signposting for a reader the various points you make .
19 and then just joined those that were easy to join together and building it up that way , but he 's doing curls on the bottom of G's and
20 Not enclosing any part into a particular hand , but all as one man , working together and feeding together as sons of one father , members of one family …
21 It certainly is a trial — a trial in living together and forming a partnership .
22 The gravel tidy prevents the two media from mixing together and forming a tightly packed , ineffectual filter .
23 This great structure , which forms the frontier between Europe and Asia , shows two continents coming together and forming a new super-continent .
24 Er the three options were joint authorities er this would mean er unitary authorities within an area joining together and forming some sort of er joint committee arrangements and joint staffing arrangements to prepare a plan over a wider area .
25 To stir up mischief , no doubt , and to eye Jean Bruce , the blacksmith 's daughter — they had been seen strolling about in the gloaming more than once , laughing quietly together and holding hands .
26 Palace beat Watford 3–0 , with these two men performing really well together and beginning another of Palace 's long-serving full-back partnerships .
27 Another day a gang of convicts , chained together and bearing the mark of the broad arrow , clank along the platform en route for Portland , Dartmoor or Warwick …
28 What he had n't counted on was the tunnel effect of putting five together and pointing them into a wind that came more or less straight from the Urals after turning left over Norway .
29 They wanted to mention the extension of nursery activities into the home , the importance of talking with the child , of playing together and sharing what has been learnt at nursery — also that staff are willing to listen to what parents have to say about happenings at home , and welcome comment and suggestions from parents .
30 At first I could n't see them , but when I heard a little quack I had a close look and saw them all there huddled together and trying to keep warm .
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