Example sentences of "both are [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The word ‘ Product ’ in the last line implies a similarity in Sylvanus 's relations to the land and to Phillis : both are to be possessed .
2 The full force of teachers ' professionalism will need to be put behind the national curriculum and assessment if both are to be beneficial to pupil and other ‘ customers ’ of the education service .
3 Both are to be taken via a nebuhaler ( he has excellent technique ) .
4 This contrast between ‘ culture ’ and ‘ nature ’ , as Lévi-Strauss phrases it ( although both are of course cultural conceptions ) , can be illustrated by the Lele people who inhabit the Kasai region of the Congo basin in central Africa .
5 Both are of fundamental significance , and will be discussed fully in Chapter 6 .
6 Both are of quality .
7 At the same time , the sentiments of pity which he who suffers punishment evokes in us can no longer be so easily nor so completely extinguished by the sentiments he has offended and which react against him ; for both are of the same nature ’ ( Durkheim , 1973 : 303 ) .
8 The arctic tundra supports both birds and mammals , at densities that are low in summer and even lower in winter ; by far the densest concentrations of both are of marine species that live and breed ashore but feed entirely at sea .
9 Both are of us are in business .
10 In theory , both are as one in opposing water passing from public ownership and control .
11 Both are on final written warnings .
12 It 's gon na be a , it 's gon na be a die methile hexane of some description now , to indicate the positions it 's either three or four , we take the lowest number both are on carbon number three
13 There is no place for the in-form Michael O'Neill , now a Hibs player , or Nottingham Forest winger Kingsley Black ; both are on the substitutes bench .
14 Both are for non-residents of the UK and the Channel Islands .
15 Both are at their best when bought in large pieces and chopped just before use , either for decoration or in cakes .
16 Both states are plagued by secessionist militants , and both are at present ruled — with the army 's help — directly from Delhi .
17 Both are at the geometric centre of the Mansion , beneath the cupola and right above the South Portico .
18 Both sexes worry about their appearance ; both are at risk from serious health problems if they ca n't control their weight .
19 Public relations is related to advertising in that both are about persuasion through communication .
20 Both are under the greatest attack from a government committed to drawing back from the welfare state .
21 Both are within a quarter of a mile of the Royal Military College of Science .
22 Here a stinging wasp ( above , left ) is imitated by a harmless hoverfly ( above , right ) a distasteful butterfly ( opposite , left , top ) has a harmless copy ( opposite , left , bottom ) — both are from Nigeria — and a venomous coral snake ( opposite , right , top ) has a harmless mimic ( opposite , right , bottom ) with almost identical markings .
23 The Shipman 's Tale tells of a lovers ' triangle , involving a merchant who lives at St Denis ( France ) , his wife , and a Parisian monk who was regarded as their friend : indeed the monk and the merchant call each other cousin , as both are from the same village .
24 Both are from the Old Swan area of the city .
25 Both are out March 1 at $200 for Standard , $500 for Professional , and there are trade-up terms for people with earlier Microsoft C products .
26 But it is like the first scenario in this : both kinds of eroticism are specific to male bonding , both occur within and against the very situations in which heterosexuality is most ardently pursued , and both are in part the consequence of heterosexual ardour .
27 Both are in accord in suggesting that the way to decide whether a disposition is a trust or not is to look at the words it employs .
28 Both are in the clothing trade .
29 Both of them have psychotic interludes , occurring after particularly stress-loaded incidents , both are in guilt-producing situations ( Lancelot doubly so , since he has inadvertently betrayed the woman he adulterously loves ) and both , in losing their reason , lose their humanity .
30 Both are in Houston , a mere 15 miles apart .
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