Example sentences of "clear that any " in BNC.

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1 The effects of electrical discharges on glass fibre and carbon fibre structures are uncertain , but it is clear that any moisture in the material would be turned to steam by a flash and would certainly cause delamination and very expensive damage .
2 He also made it clear that any thoughts of topping the 221 mark are being put firmly on the back burner , with the fastest 100 , set last year in mid-December , his next target .
3 However , it should be clear that any firm which issues a guarantee must inevitably err on the side of over-zealousness , which will add to expense .
4 And it has made it clear that any attempt to organise a system of regional arms control or supervision should exclude Israel .
5 It is clear that any version of monetary union will inevitably reduce national governments and parliaments to the status of charge-capped local authorities .
6 The King , however , was disinclined to anything other than an exchange of courtesies , once again making it quite clear that any attempt to detach Prussia from the rest of Germany was a fruitless exercise .
7 For example , the term ‘ concession ’ , which is used widely in relation to the promotion of desirable benefits , implies a favour to a second-class citizen ; whereas another term , such as ‘ off-peak tariff reduction ’ , makes it clear that any resulting business is a bonus to the provider , as well as a benefit to the recipient .
8 But it very soon became clear that any mention of a maximum was unnecessary and , with hindsight , it can be seen as a future source of embarrassment .
9 His expression made it clear that any man or boy unlucky enough not to find another situation need not expect any sympathy : his place would have been filled .
10 It is clear that any basic variable x i j corresponds to an edge R i to C j so there is no need to put arrows on the edges .
11 ‘ He was very clear that any statement had to be taken correctly , because if there were mistakes it might not be useful in evidence in court .
12 But , within the decade , it seems clear that any long-term trend is outweighed by temporary fluctuations in the economy and the availability of credit ; though in the short term there has been quite a sharp increase in credit use at the close of the decade .
13 So for example helping a school-age child find safe places for precious toys or possessions that the younger child can not reach is important , but in addition making clear that any physical aggression from either age group is not acceptable .
14 However , in a letter to the BMC , Longleat Estate have made it clear that any cleaning work necessary to stabilise climbs will be done on the advice of its own specialists , dependent on the interests of tourists and the estate 's employees and not undertaken from a climbing perspective .
15 When , for example , I discovered that 90 per cent of those attending a workshop did not become Moonies , it seemed clear that any brainwashing techniques that the movement was employing were , to say the least , not very efficient .
16 The Police Federation has made it clear that any proposals to reduce the age of consent would be vigorously resisted .
17 Successive governments , however , have made it clear that any alteration of the state pension ages is unlikely .
18 While I take Walker 's point about the trap involved in always predicating social policies on economic policies and their success , it is clear that any transformation must involve basal change .
19 Hence I take the view that the absence of any reference to the criterion of proportionality in the B. & Q. judgment is not of fundamental importance and that the reason for the omission lay in the specific circumstances of the case , from which it was clear that any obstacles which might be created were not particularly serious .
20 It is clear that any civilised system of law is bound to provide remedies for cases of what has been called unjust enrichment or unjust benefit , that is to prevent a man from retaining the money of or some benefit derived from another which it is against conscience that he should keep .
21 ‘ It is clear that any civilised system of law is bound to provide remedies for cases of what has been called unjust enrichment or unjust benefit , that is to prevent a man from retaining the money of or some benefit derived from another which it is against conscience that he should keep .
22 It is clear that any civilised system of law is bound to provide remedies for cases of what has been called unjust enrichment or unjust benefit , that is to prevent a man from retaining the money of or some benefit derived from another which it is against conscience that he should keep .
23 It is clear that any civilised system of law is bound to provide remedies for cases of what has been called unjust enrichment or unjust benefit , that is to prevent a man from retaining the money of or some benefit derived from another which it is against conscience that he should keep .
24 Brezhnev himself , addressing the Polish party congress in November 1968 , made it clear that any threat to the socialist order in a given country would be considered ‘ not only a problem of the people of the country in question , but a general problem and concern of all the socialist countries ’ .
25 It was however made clear that any proposals made must be acceptable to the people of the United Kingdom as a whole and also to the parliament at Westminster .
26 It is clear that any empirical application , developing along the lines described in Lecture 6 , should take account of the input-output structure , and the nature of firm behaviour at different stages of production .
27 ‘ You made it pretty clear that any attraction you felt for me was unwilling .
28 It is clear that any lasting solution for Yugoslavia must incorporate guarantees for minority communities such as the Kosovo Albanians .
29 He questioned the whole process of " throwaway " non-binding Senate resolutions , and made it clear that any further resolutions on the Middle East and Jerusalem would be subject to serious examination .
30 It was eager to play down its close links with Israel in order not to alienate potential Arab supporters , and made it clear that any Israeli military involvement in the crisis would cause a radical shift in the already unstable Arab ranks , possibly leading a number of those currently allied to the USA to side with Iraq .
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