Example sentences of "clear be that " in BNC.

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31 What seems clear is that the Family Model and the Military Model define the qualities of a manager from which flow his functions .
32 What is clear is that she rapidly took in hand the Communist Party cells in the various academic bodies to which she was attached .
33 What is clear is that some — if not all — of the equipment found in the remains of the tent was probably left by Bonington who intended , during his retreat , to go back up to the highest camp .
34 What is clear is that when people do resort to credit to make ends meet , their anxieties increase .
35 Be that as it may , what is clear is that the events of 1940 precipitated a popular nationalism which — unlike Tawney 's deferential democracy and Baldwin 's conservative nation — the Left could work with .
36 What is clear is that Lady Grace , in her early twenties , led an adventurous life of which many of her successors today would be somewhat envious .
37 But there were murmurs of dissent from Labour when he said : ‘ What is clear is that there was no question of impropriety . ’
38 What is quite clear is that after the death of Lanfranc the English monks felt free to assert themselves in ways that would have been impossible while Lanfranc lived .
39 What is also clear is that no approach is simpler to use , to acquire , or to maintain , than any other ; teachers and parents need access and knowledge of as many varieties of signing as possible .
40 What White and Bernard also omit to make clear is that , while the great majority of the ordinary members of the church may well have been largely indifferent to theological issues , many of them were at the same time both outraged and alarmed by a number of alien liturgical practices , which were a unique and highly visible feature of English Arminianism .
41 What is clear is that for different reasons the Nordic states were disinclined to pursue closer economic integration wholeheartedly , or were at least following their customary practice of slow and cautious deliberation to try to pinpoint and resolve in advance any possible difficulties .
42 What is increasingly clear is that for a large number of headhunters in the major eight firms — and many of the more profitable smaller ones — this functional or industry specialisation is a key to success .
43 What is clear is that it evolved out of the neolithic Cretan religion and that the religion of the classical Greeks at least in part grew out of it .
44 Over the years , I have seen so many private gardens and advised so many gardeners on labour-saving tools and equipment , and what comes through loud and clear is that the biggest problem facing gardeners is that they are caught in the trap between growing all they would like to grow , doing all they want to do and having the lime to do it .
45 However , all too often when two-spit digging is recommended , the point that is not made clear is that we should be thinking primarily about the needs of the plants that are to grow in the dug soil .
46 What is clear is that this golden age did not exist in the mid 1950s , in the first part of this century nor in the first half of the last century .
47 Rather , what this chapter has been concerned to make clear is that the potential impact of records of achievement , as well as that of the GCSE , can not be determined without making reference to both initiatives .
48 What is becoming increasingly clear is that parents need practical support ( adequate housing , income , employment , educational , health and social welfare services ) , psychological and emotional support ( interpersonal within the family and the community ) and a network of supportive services .
49 What is clear is that for [ Whitehouse ] and others like her , there is a determination to restore a Christian culture to Britain , and in that battle the greater availability of sexually explicit cultural forms , the easier access to abortion and divorce , the legitimation of homosexuality between consenting adults and so on are developments which must at all costs not only be stemmed but at some ill-defined date in the future actually reversed .
50 What must be clear is that no reservation under Article 23 , however worded , can operate to extend the scope of the Convention beyond that established in Article 1 .
51 What is clear is that the degree to which the reformers achieved their stated aims was muted first of all by a partial backtracking on policy after 1947 under the pressures of worsening relations between the United States and the Soviet Union , and the burden which an economically prostrate Japan placed on the US taxpayer .
52 It is difficult to know about the social morality of the peasantry in the early part of the Tokugawa period , but what is clear is that by the 1850s a relatively homogeneous set of social norms prevailed throughout the peasant class , and that their value system was strongly influenced by the agrarian experience .
53 What is undoubtedly clear is that during these years Henry 's power was still steadily advancing , though most modern writers tend to create the false impression of a king entirely preoccupied with the awkward domestic problem of the quarrel with Thomas Becket .
54 What is much less clear is that it is the answer to all problems , or that it has even solved the problems its proponents themselves recognized .
55 Now the basis for the pathogenesis is not well enough established for us to expect you to understand the details of how it achieves these processes , but one thing which is remarkably clear is that the organism is a capsule producing organism and that once it gets into the er cerebral spinal fluid that predominately is an acute inflammatory .
56 But what is also clear is that it is unfair to litigants that they should meet the cost of a second appeal , one of the principal purposes of which is to resolve issues of law of general public importance .
57 What is clear is that , when compared with literary OE , some varieties of Early ME ( including those that show variation in ( h ) ) were contact varieties .
58 What is clear is that the DES , and perhaps even the Inspectorate , portray the task of curriculum review in rather too simplistic a fashion .
59 What is clear is that the total over six decades ran into tens of thousands .
60 What is clear is that the Prison Service had failed to persuade these prisoners that it was treating them fairly ’ ( para 9.25 ) .
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