Example sentences of "clear [that] his " in BNC.

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1 Although the new chairman Sir Robert Reid had his critics , at the decade 's end it was clear that his method of management had produced decisive changes .
2 Eliot made clear that his Pageant Play made no pretence of being a contribution to the dramatic literature of England .
3 Although Kuwait , without oil revenues and faced with a tremendous rebuilding task , is said to be short of ready cash , the ambassador made it clear that his country is keen on buying the RTC 's interest in both the Phoenician and Crescent hotels ( another Keating project ) .
4 Physiotherapist Bernard Thomas tells Lloyd to touch his nose , and it is soon clear that his vision is impaired .
5 But had anyone in New York thought to look in New Orleans , it would have been clear that his life was as disorderly as ever .
6 There seems to be a lot of anger locked up in a sense of competition that he apparently directs first and foremost against himself ; and it is clear that his endless tampering with his swing must have at least as much to do with mind-control as with bodily mechanics — either that , or Faldo has a very perverse and forgetful body indeed .
7 The Maharishi has made it clear that his promises of Heaven on Earth are to be taken literally .
8 It seemed clear that his new duties would keep him in London for some time — certainly his stay in Italy was at an end .
9 Yet it is clear that his approach was overwhelmingly based upon Marx 's reproduction schemata , and it would seem to be an entirely legitimate use of the concepts embodied in Marx 's work .
10 Bishop Jukes , a Franciscan Friar , made it clear that his concern was not to offer technical solutions on energy policy but to promote Catholic teaching about work and workers .
11 A ‘ Money Bill ’ for this purpose is any Commons Bill which the Speaker certifies to be such , and the Parliament Acts make it abundantly clear that his certification is final and conclusive and beyond challenge in any other forum .
12 The poet follows with more abstract interpretation of the event , but it is clear that his ideas are not opposed to the shepherd 's : ‘ Small difference lies between thy creed and mine . ’
13 But when you speak to him it quickly becomes clear that his passion for climbing and adventure remains as strong as ever .
14 On labour relations he was , understandably , quite clear that his own central direction was required .
15 Popper , for instance , makes it quite clear that his ‘ World Three ’ is a world of academics .
16 When , however , one examines Oakeshott 's political writing in the context of his philosophical work it is clear that his notion of tradition is different from that of Burke .
17 Although Bozo 's appointment is being presented as a natural consequence of the desire to reunite the Centre 's four sections , it is clear that his presidency will give the museum a bigger say than in the past and ensure that , where funding is concerned , it is no longer the poor relation of the IRCAM .
18 If in this respect Gloucester was still very much his brother 's agent , it is clear that his closeness to the king had already made him a person of some consequence .
19 In retrospect , of course , it is clear that his creative powers were beginning to wane and that his real work had been done .
20 Although Mr. Philipson demurred when the suggestion was put to him , it is palpably clear that his submission amounts to a direct challenge to Mr. Barnes ' affidavit , which contains the clearest possible evidence that the Bank of England did indeed require these documents for the purposes of its own supervisory functions ; this will of course involve collaboration and co-ordination with the Federal Reserve Board 's supervision , on which , as he states expressly in paragraph 13(b) , the Bank of England is in part dependent .
21 I witnessed on several occasions horribly embarrassing disagreements between Harold Wilson and Marcia Williams , but it was clear that his loyalty to her would not be disturbed by any difference of opinion or any show of temper .
22 Father McGiff , however , did not himself seem to share the surprise and it was clear that his participation had been decided on beforehand .
23 Nizan 's war correspondence makes it clear that his resignation was motivated as much by a refusal to accept the moral integrity of the Soviet alliance with Hitler , as it was by a complete lack of faith in the French communist party leadership to think beyond blind and servile acquiescence to Moscow .
24 But it was clear that his attention was now elsewhere .
25 From the tone of his voice , it was perfectly clear that his decision was not open to negotiation .
26 I could see that he was sceptical of our diplomatic capacity to do so ; and when , later , Chamberlain despatched a female relation to ‘ negotiate ’ with Mussolini , it became clear that his misgivings were justified .
27 Hanne and Jens always hoped that Svend would join them on their farm , but when it became clear that his interests lay in constructional engineering they gladly supported him , despite their disappointment and the sacrifices they had to make . ’
28 But Christian soon made it clear that his plans had nothing to do with the fire at the manor , although he admitted that Tom being placed in charge of the manor farm did affect what he had in mind .
29 Do not the Secretary of State 's earlier answers make it clear that his vision of Britain in the future is a low-wage economy with the worst employment conditions in Europe ?
30 Does the Minister agree that his initial answer , taken with the huge increases that his Administration have brought about in national insurance contributions , the poll tax and the burden of rates that business men and business women have to pay , makes it clear that his party is the tax , tax and tax again party ?
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