Example sentences of "say [adv] i " in BNC.

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1 A lot of people would turn round and say Right I 'm a lorry driver and I I leave a nice gap .
2 He 's so thick , you know he 'll say right I 'll go down the hold , I 'll do the humping , what they call humping , he 'll do that , loading these slings or bags , rather than him standing there and say well ten bags in that sling , put ten down , he could n't do that , so he 'd rather go down the hold that 's happened .
3 Definitely , yes , I would say like I 've spoke to Brian Horton on Sunday and he more or less said that it 's er Oxford United , fourth position in the league , let's hope so like you know , they are like , and I 've come here maybe to help get them in a better position .
4 I can honestly say now I do not feel I have subsequently ever lost a race I would have won had I been allowed to use the whip . ’
5 Can I also say really I agree with Martin when he said erm , and has been saying for at least six months that surely we have more important things to , to talk about than , than this and I 'm sorry for Martin that he had to erm , give in really and put this I was the movement of the amendment in January ninety two erm , which confirmed that the rights of tenants and old occupiers of land in county council ownership to er allow or stop fox hunting over land in their care .
6 But let me say immediately I do not have Miss Kenton in mind at all when I say this .
7 I dare say even I 've done one or two rash things in my dim and distant youth . ’
8 That maybe the idea , but there are so many things to be done by voluntary workers if people would only say well I 've got half an hour an hour it could be so much of an advantage to whoever they 're giving their services to because we 're having to cut costs on this and costs on that an hour or two given voluntary would cover those jobs that we ca n't get the money to pay for .
9 Cos you ca n't go and say well I 'm only going for a couple of weeks !
10 And you might say well I 'll not take their advice I 'll invest it directly with Global and you 'll find that cos Global 'll keep it for themselves .
11 And I could say well I , I 've never done this .
12 You can say well I want to do , put my money so and so , what 's the best rate for me ?
13 But if you set it up jointly , you ca n't direct all the gross income if that 's what you 're thinking you ca n't say well I 'll have all that income gross cos my wife 's got an unused allowance , you 've got to split it down the middle in the case of a joint account .
14 We 've got certain mi amount of erm the factor where people will say well I , I 'll swap that week because there 's a meeting
15 Cos it makes for a lot of you know if you do n't have and say well I 'm not going to put in my feet anyway .
16 No no no what what Can I can I just say well I 'm What what the treasurer of an event like this needs to do is to note down the source of the cash he receives , to note where it 's coming from different products , how much is being received from that
17 So if somebody 'll say well I like that one for my par particular business you know
18 Erm you look fairly fit thank you very much , you know , very sweet of you dear , erm tt and I think to , to carry on with the regards to well how much do you earn you went all around the houses , do n't apologize and say well I have to ask you because , you know , , you know you need to know
19 For those reasons as I , have I , hoped made plain , it seems to me that the general scheme provided by Mrs is the one that ought to be adopted , however in my view when Mrs also makes provision for a second carer for some three hours a day that is well over egging the pudding , if I may adopt a phrase used by Mr at one stage during the case , I feel sure that in practice the two resident carers would not simply say well I 'm on duty from eight am on Monday till twelve midday on Thursday and I shall do nothing during the rest of the week , I think that living in the household for , at
20 like before the break when you want to have a permanent record of what you 'd done so that you ca n't turn round and say well I do n't remember them conversation
21 Each , each customer come out and she 'd say well I 'll have er three or four lamb chops or a couple of pork chops or whatsoever and you used to cut it as you went , then , with a van yeah .
22 Now at this juncture here you would n't actually say what products you 're gon na do , cos you 're not gon na go back and say well I 'm thinking of er two hundred thousand pounds of convertible term assurance and we 're looking personal pension plan , but you 'll tell the guy you 're gon na go back to the branch , we 've got a variety of different things sir and what I wan na do is to go back to the branch and work on one or two ideas for you and then present them to you at some time in the future .
23 erm , and , and , it could arise in many different circumstances , erm one can imagine a situation which wrongly expel erm a name from the market , well whatever the motives , that clearly distorts competition cos there 's one rule , one less competitor in the market , erm it , it 's con , it , it 's conceivable that an article eighty five argument could arise and an expel name could raise a point , whether he succeeds is another matter , but at that point and , and in relation to that he may say well I can sue you because you 've excluded me you 've restricted competition or you 've excluded a group of names
24 But you ca n't , you ca n't say well I 'm gon na go there and I 'm gon na go there .
25 There was , I was gon na say there was a hell of a fight going on here the morning we come over yours between Christopher and Andrew , and I went in to sort out just in time to hear Christopher say well I 'm having all GrandPat 's money when he 's dead not you .
26 What I might actually do is say well I re if she does actually a I mean what she 'll probably do is say oh have you heard about me and Dangerous , and I 'll say yes .
27 And then if she says something like well what do you think I might just say well I have n't really talked to you very much about the way that you feel about Dangerous so I do n't really know erm Dangerous , what a fucking stupid name !
28 if they just bring one , I shall say well I 've got choice then to say well is this this week 's or last week 's , now I do n't want to give them that opportunity to say well she 's worrying about one week 's wages , I mean Jan could love that and that 's given him chance to bring er , whereas if it pops through the door , or he comes
29 I mean I could say well I could go on a diet , but , er and keep on this sort of thing like Margaret does you know
30 I do n't know what he took , no one here , full stop , they ca n't say well he ca n't say well I left it here either and he 's got any proof
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