Example sentences of "themselves [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 For the mass of Muslims this is a non-issue — though I think British and European Muslim communities did themselves a colossal disservice in the beginning by failing to dissociate themselves properly from terrorist acts .
2 And in particular the position of Paisley and the DUP was enhanced by having done enough to prove themselves implacably opposed to appeasement of ‘ rebels ’ while distancing themselves sufficiently from the working-class loyalists to avoid the opprobrium of being closely associated with thugs and gangsters .
3 ( b ) They are essentially personal , and although historians may try to be objective and impartial they can not free themselves entirely from their own ideas about people and the world , their personal likes and dislikes , and the assumptions and values of the age in which they live .
4 Occasionally Jane 's family dragged themselves away from their busy life in the south and arrived with boyfriends and girlfriends .
5 Even those who have entered a deeply religious life where it may appear that they are hiding themselves away from close contact with others have in fact formed a deep and spiritual relationship with their god .
6 But our focus is primarily upon people , not places as such ; the male survivors of the next generation of Titfords succeeded in wrenching themselves away from the town which had been home for their ancestors for over a hundred and seventy years — and we have no choice but to follow them .
7 What is the good of people who shut themselves away from their fellow-men ?
8 Mickey Morris ' continued involvement in spite of his parents ' derision , Carlos Francis ' determination to defy his parents ' ridicule of football as a career , former British and European middleweight boxing champion Bunny Sterling 's refusal ‘ to let on to ’ his parents about his boxing : these are typical examples of black kids cutting themselves away from the strings of their parents and locating the vital , influential figures in their lives elsewhere .
9 They were … sort of … writhing around … struggling … trying to push themselves away from the wall .
10 Forging onwards in this way , they found themselves away from the river and in a hinterland of commercial London that was as alien to them as New York or Hong Kong .
11 More splashes followed , and when he peered cautiously around the side of the buttress he saw that the men now occupying the punt were using their hands as paddles to propel themselves away from the promontory wall .
12 We have seen that the position of the sun is used as a compass , by which pigeons direct themselves away from release points .
13 Then in the nineteenth century some of the more adventurous men seized the new opportunities to make wealth in an urban environment or to tear themselves away from their ancestral roots to start life anew thousands of miles away .
14 And United continued to haul themselves away from the basement with a two one win .
15 The many Victorian great houses had developed in the contrary direction , separating themselves progressively from the ‘ other nation ’ on whose labours they depended .
16 Lesbians and gays are expressing themselves differently from the way they were before the Clause , but they are still saying as openly and as proudly as ever that they want the boundaries changed .
17 Many protect themselves even from patients ' questions , by always being very busy or emotionally unapproachable .
18 A few shook themselves loose from the tangle , and pounded onward , others skirted the fallen and fell in behind them .
19 The BMC and the London and SE Area Committee wish to dissociate themselves completely from this scheme , and recommend that would-be visitors to High Rocks do so too .
20 The Situationists were idealists in the sense that they perceived themselves apart from the spectacle , always managing to be ‘ other-than-spectacular ’ , as Levin puts it , so that this became a pre-condition of Situationist practice .
21 Some lyricists manage to keep themselves apart from the song , suggesting things instead of making them obvious , and that approach is maybe better because the listeners have to use their imagination …
22 ‘ Boys do n't really discuss sex themselves apart from a few who brag about it all the time .
23 Through their wholly unacceptable behaviour , keoi mark themselves apart from humans , while reminding them of the possibility of such behaviour .
24 And it strengthens woman-centred feminism 's influence within other discourses which set themselves apart from political concerns , like psychology .
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