Example sentences of "themselves [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Her heart sank as she contemplated how , as usual , she would walk up , bleat out ‘ excuse me ’ and then be forced to wait , powerless , while they peeled themselves slowly and insolently away from the door .
2 Garrett and songwriter Rob Hirst both acquit themselves verbally and we see the horrid side of the Aboriginal lot , but the ultimate drift is that important chances have been missed here .
3 The latter will end by confirming or rejecting the original theory , but humans , being what they are , will usually manage to prove themselves right and join some kind of inquisition to make sure everyone else is proved right too .
4 As those behind came piling into the snarl-up , the Scottish schiltrons launched themselves downhill and cut the stumbling knights to pieces .
5 Burgoyne and Clark ( 1984 ) report that this was seen as a major reason for returning to live with parents after the break-up of a marriage , and the assistance which grandparents gave with child care in the short term was seen as vital in helping their daughter or son to re-establish themselves economically and to form new relationships .
6 Some parents become confused when staining is due to children not wiping themselves properly and so they may need to teach their children more precisely how to wipe their bottom .
7 She said they had n't organised themselves properly and did n't listen to advise and instructions .
8 Even so , chromosomes are themselves long and thin and are not normally visible in the light microscope .
9 But I do not believe that financial rewards are themselves enough or are important except in the Herzberg terms .
10 Some couples , highly intelligent and normally with a good command over words , manage to keep themselves endlessly but unknowingly confused .
11 Were the Essenes themselves perhaps but one manifestation of a single , broader movement ?
12 This was augmented by Hastings 's conversion and two penalties , and only now , with more than a quarter of the match gone , did France pull themselves together and begin to pull back the Lions ' lead .
13 Rifts persistently occur within the human race , and one important cause could well be found in the tendency of human beings to group themselves together and rally around a particular banner for no other reason than to be able to identify another group as an ‘ enemy ’ upon whom can be laid the blame for hardship and misery suffered ; suffering which it has not been possible to attribute to any obvious cause .
14 Two firemen roped themselves together and stripped off their heavy clothing to plunge into the 20ft deep lake in a desperate attempt to rescue the lads .
15 By now the US personnel had got themselves together and began to return fire and before Maryland was hit her gunners claimed a torpedo bomber .
16 They were n't the kind of people who could get themselves together and organized , it was a more and more the bottom end of the scale and people who were actually erm you know , really powerless in many ways .
17 You would see broken cups gathering themselves together and jumping back onto the table .
18 But things have turned round slightly in the last few weeks and erm the players have got themselves together and erm we 've managed to string a few results together .
19 As the leavening of hardened veterans became sparser and sparser , so the pathetic eighteen-year-olds fresh from the parade grounds in the Fatherland showed themselves less and less capable of standing up to the remorseless demands of the Verdun fighting .
20 Those who had somehow violated the bond of trust , friendship , loyalty — for reasons they may not always be able to discern — could find themselves suddenly and inexplicably cast out into the cold .
21 They do not place themselves inside or outside the Renaissance by anything they actually do : it is we who place them there ( or exclude them therefrom ) by opting for one definition of the term rather than another .
22 This leads to a process of amplification or snowballing : individuals who are caught and labelled as criminal see themselves so and act accordingly , thus the label becomes more widely applied and firmly fixed , and the criminal becomes more attached to that label .
23 I think this idea of , of writers shutting themselves away and writing has gone , you know , very
24 The seventeen pensioners who were able to join us for the annual get-together enjoyed themselves immensely and are already looking forward to next year 's trip !
25 And some of them would take it maybe themselves just or in Kirkwall .
26 Employing themselves meanwhile and sucking their fingers most assid
27 ‘ Sit down and shut it , ’ growled two or three men , but the women were crossing themselves already and knocking over their stools in turning round .
28 The complexity of this issue lies in the fact that the TNCs are themselves directly and explicitly responsible for the ways in which such processes work out in most societies , but they are also often indirectly and implicitly responsible in ways that are hidden from view .
29 Not only are they going to find themselves deliberately and actively squeezed from above and below by the very organisation , the ATP Tour , which is supposed to be protecting and encouraging them but they still have to compete against exhibition events , with open cheque books , for a handful of top players .
30 Soviet leaders never committed themselves ideologically and politically to Finland in the manner they did in Afghanistan .
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