Example sentences of "known that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It is known that St. Leonard 's Priory had some academic function , for in the fourteenth century it was partly used as a study centre for young monks , possibly preparing them for their degree courses at Oxford .
2 A vivid example of this occurred in the Hadmor case [ 1983 ] 1 A.C. 191 where Lord Denning in the Court of Appeal relied on his own researches into Hansard in reaching his conclusions : in the House of Lords , counsel protested that there were other passages to which he would have wished to draw the court 's attention had he known that Lord Denning was looking at Hansard : see the Hadmor case at p. 233 .
3 But Hunter must surely have known that Van Butchell , famed for his eccentricities , had no intention of burying his wife once the embalming had been done .
4 Mr Lightman claimed that if the jury which had awarded the £600,000 had known that Mrs Sutcliffe was not adverse to taking money for her story , the outcome could have been different .
5 It was also known that Mrs Thatcher 's closest advisers , Charles Powell and Bernard Ingham , were implicated in the leak , and it seemed improbable that the Prime Minister should have been totally ignorant .
6 It was also well known that Mrs Thatcher preferred to have people buying their own private pension scheme ; here was an area in which the state might be rolled back .
7 ‘ Well , of course Charles might not have known that Mrs Thrigg was actually in the house during the quarrel .
8 Ellie had known that Mrs McMahon was not a forceful or decisive person , but had n't quite realised just how easily led she was .
9 But it 's now known that Mrs Law was last seen alive just after lunchtime on Sunday .
10 It was known that Implexion had been responsible for the dissolution of many sects in Gleberune , and that he would resort to violence if his injunctions were not obeyed .
11 The Station Chief would have known that Harry Lawrence and Bill Erlich were close , that their friendship crossed the divide of Agency man and Fed .
12 It is known that Freemantle criticized ‘ An Essay on Woman ’ when it was written ; apart from concerns with Leapor 's penmanship , it seems that she objected to the description of a miser and the reflections on wealth which follow .
13 Frank claimed that he had not known that Gobie was running a prostitution service from Frank 's apartment on Capitol Hill and that he had dismissed him upon learning of it .
14 She had not known that Scathach had known , not been aware that he had seen .
15 In her heart , Tallis had known that Scathach would not wait for her , but it still came as a shock to find that he had betrayed his word to her .
16 Once it was known that Terry Gill was wanted for questioning , a young constable who knew him , all bright eyed and bushy tailed , pointed out that his van had been parked in the car-park all day within fifty yards of the Incident Room .
17 This date is too late for the birth of Jesus as it is well known that Jesus was born in the reign of Herod the Great , who died in 4 BC .
18 Since the early sixteenth century it has been known that North American Indians and Inuits made maps .
19 He had known that Doyle would win the battle for life .
20 It is known that Dionysos was worshipped at Pylos shortly after the Minoan period on Crete and it is possible that his orgiastic cult was preceded by a Minoan proto-Dionysian cult .
21 Alia had also let it be known that Albania intended to take part in the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) , from which it alone had stood aside until now .
22 It is known that ATBC gets into food when the film is in direct contact , and migration increases when temperatures are raised .
23 Fleet diesel sales grew by 15.6 per cent last year , and Brookman naturally wants it known that Peugeot picked up the lion 's share .
24 It said : ‘ If it becomes known that UK companies have supplied equipment for manufacture of munitions we could truthfully say that when the licences were issued we had no reason to believe that this civilian equipment was for other than general industrial purposes . ’
25 Inside FI , it was known that Emerson could have gone on driving for a major team and many thought it a pity that he had not stuck to doing what he knew best .
26 He had known that Sidacai would work out the nature of the venture before he had to be told .
27 It was also known that Douglas Wilder , the first black Governor of Virginia , was considering mounting a challenge which , with the probable absence of the Rev. Jesse Jackson from the contest , was likely to attract support from minority groups .
28 It 's quite well known that Little Richard was one of David 's idols , but there 's a lot of other American people who interested David , as much from the image point of view as the music . ’
29 It is questionable whether the spaying of cows was widely practised at that time , but it is well known that London dairymen were only interested in a continuous milk supply .
30 After the war was over , Mr Ozal let it be known that Turkey itself had held talks with Iraqi Kurds , including Jalal Talabani , the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and a critic of Mr Ocalan 's extremism .
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