Example sentences of "areas where it " in BNC.

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1 Over 60 per cent of cases occur in males , and it is much more common among the Negro races than Caucasians , although this may reflect the areas where it is endemic rather than any racial predilection .
2 During the 15 years since Younger reported , legislation more or less along the suggested lines has followed in two of the areas where it was recommended — the 1975 Consumer Credit Act , with the establishment of the Office of Fair Trading , and the 1984 Data Protection Act , with the establishment of a Data Protection Registrar .
3 However , if training is to contribute to this effective working , then it must be applied in the areas where it is most urgently required or where the benefit is greatest .
4 The Tory vote in the areas where it polled well were elderly , well-off , and often English in origin .
5 For example the centre could facilitate research in the areas where it felt that development , change and adoption of new techniques was required .
6 Other areas where it may break down are areas of high biological activity for example tropical reef flats very high biological activity there , very high demand for calcium carbonate to build all those coral skeletons , so carbonate will be stripped out .
7 This approach attempted to identify what was problematic for manufacturing industry in those areas where it was declining fastest and , on the other hand , what was attractive about the areas where it was growing , at least relatively .
8 As with other precious substances , ivory was used far beyond the areas where it occurred in nature .
9 Therefore if we have activists who are put on the panel alib fi safe seats , marginals or unwinnable seats and we 've been in some areas where it 's been unwinnable , have n't we Dick , we 've still canvassed , we 've got the votes up , p places like Macclesfield where they got Nicholas Winterton , where they got that racist Churchill .
10 He has pointed both to its overall lack of numbers and to the fact that some of the areas where it was strong , west Cornwall for example , were not in any case likely locations for revolutionary agitation .
11 The pygmies of Central Africa can not find enough food in the Zaire forests and , indeed , there seems to be no unambiguous ethnographic account of any people living solely off forest products and the only tropical areas where it is believed that such people might have lived are in central Malesia .
12 Now there are two areas where it is alleged that the defendants were in breach of their professional duty to exercise skill and care in advising the plaintiffs throughout their handling of this transaction .
13 By the judicious application of support in the areas where it could be most effective , government has done a great deal for the industry .
14 . Erm , it really does make sure that it 's covered in all the areas where it 's , where it 's needed specifically .
15 Either other areas where it 's very specialized and you had to look up words , or other difficulties with the
16 The way in which forests are disappearing , land is becoming desert , erm food is not being grown in areas where it used to be grown , those are disasters , but what we 're talking about is the , the rather more sudden event which , which you know reaches a crescendo , even if it does take a long time to develop , like a famine , nevertheless the disaster is considered to be that point when perhaps thousands of people are in very desperate need of food .
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