Example sentences of "enough to the " in BNC.

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1 Only a handful of people , it had been established , had been near enough to the leading car of the funicular to have been able to give it the fatal extra push that had sent Woodleigh and Jilly Jonathan tumbling down the steep hillside .
2 If only she and Michael had more time together , time for her feelings to rise close enough to the surface for her to be sure of what they were .
3 It was close enough to the cottage for her to take an early morning dip or a quick swim before dinner .
4 Though this idea was ultimately caused by economic and technical developments , and is in fact a misrepresentation of social relations , the idea is real enough to the people concerned .
5 Today we were close enough to the front of the plane to have a newspaper in English , and not have to settle for one printed in a strange dialect of Latvian ( or whatever it is that they use for those that are always left at the end ) .
6 A Formula 1-style wing is obviously part of the package — it 's important enough to the prototype 's aerodynamics for it not to be excluded from its testing programme .
7 This is near enough to the XK120 at today 's prices and really cheap in relation to the competition .
8 0–60mph in 6.8 secs , top speed 136mph — near enough to the Porsche ?
9 Our body clock has adjusted readily enough to the delay in our life-style at the weekend ( remember that the free-running period is more than 24 hours ) , but is less easily advanced , as is required , on Sunday night and Monday morning ( see Chapter 2 ) .
10 ‘ As long as there was a large enough interval between trains running into London , no train would be close enough to the one in front to be affected by the faulty signal . ’
11 He was sitting directly above the cellar door , close enough to the kitchen door to hear their angry words .
12 It is the optimists who did not react quickly enough to the downturn who have been caught out .
13 I got round this potential danger of tonal contrasts by ensuring that I was near enough to the boat to see it mainly in its own shadows ( figure XX ) , thus reducing the glare of white , and thereby allowing a less contrasting tonal interplay between boat and background .
14 He should be able to sit close enough to the table to rest his hemiplegic arm comfortably on it .
15 When the lava has reached this cherry red temperature , it 's extremely viscous , like sticky treacle , and if one can get near enough to the flow to push a pole into it , quite a lot of material can be collected , and this can be carried away while still very hot and soft .
16 ‘ I ca n't seem to get close enough to the board to get my foot on . ’
17 This not only supplies more power , but also enables you to get close enough to the board to put your foot on it .
18 Far too much attention goes to the final judgements readers offer on the text , not enough to the context within which such remarks are generated .
19 It was my view that float fishing would not be a good idea anyhow , for I did not know of any big bream swims close enough to the bank for a float cast .
20 Sure enough to the left of the backbone , somewhere about my nipple there was a large round blob .
21 The stage area at the casino in Le Touquet was almost close enough to the tables to kick the glasses off .
22 But I was already close enough to the aquatic world for it to become a lifelong obsession .
23 It applies to all those thoughts of the human mind which are real enough to the thinker , but which can not be converted to physical things and detected by the five senses of sight , hearing , touch , taste and smell .
24 Water is drawn over the disc but does not get close enough to the roots to damage them .
25 Too much attention had been given to the short-term goals of profitability and not enough to the long-term effects on the environment of industrial waste , chemical spillage and oil and petrol pollution .
26 If he had had any doubts about paternity , they were dispelled ; for , even though he kept his distance , he did once get near enough to the pair to become acutely aware that the child bore a striking resemblance to him : dark hair , dark brown eyes beneath the same unusual winged eyebrows .
27 ‘ Too many of its institutions are not accountable enough to the people , ’ said Mr Smith .
28 Rain will make a high draw a big help in the sprint and Ashtina ( 4.15 ) is close enough to the stands rail to take advantage .
29 This distinction is familiar enough to the jurist for whom the fairness and therefore the acceptability of a trial may be more a matter of the way in which the trial was conducted than whether or not the verdict reached was in some further sense the right one .
30 The United Nations has been widely criticised for not reacting fast enough to the crisis in Somalia .
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