Example sentences of "view [is] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A pragmatic view is that an aesthetic experience is what is described as such , and as there are varieties of religious experience , so there may be varieties of aesthetic experience .
2 My own view is that connectionism ( see Chapter 7 ) is well placed to provide such a computational account of sensorimotor development ; but that is not the issue here .
3 However , the functionalist view is that it would be quite misguided to attempt to explain behaviour by making direct reference to the subjective or phenomenal qualities ( technically known as qualia ) of these mental states .
4 The other view is that we 've got a rule and we 've got to stick to it . ’
5 His view is that what the Soviet Union has in small quantities is as good as the technology of the West , but that the country lacks the ability to turn out production volumes .
6 After two failed coups in 18 months , the US view is that the general is more entrenched in power than ever .
7 The contrary view is that a huge capital investment will have to be made soon to maintain buildings and provide equipment .
8 The lofty official view is that the agitators in favour of an entirely fresh deal — or preferably none at all — with the CFTC command little support among the membership and distract the association from grappling with real issues such as Globex , the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 's putative electronic trading system .
9 The common view is that this is unthinkable and politically unacceptable .
10 The question is how this expansion can be paid for , given that the new Secretary of State has said quite candidly that his present view is that higher education can not expect a higher share of public spending than it currently receives .
11 In fact the Central Statistical Office 's view is that the published deficit overstates the real level by no more than £2bn or £3bn .
12 A third view is that the proportion of students going into permanent employment is what really counts and , here , the polys at least hold their own .
13 The Foreign Office view is that as the Angolan government has been in direct contact with Unita , there is no reason why other countries should not use their influence .
14 Clearly the general view is that it will be very dangerous for us to stay out because we risk a German-dominated Europe . ’
15 A problem with this point of view is that there is in fact no evidence of descent groups having ever existed without these two levels and it seems difficult to treat all documented cases as transitions from a stage for which there is no evidence .
16 However , the architects ' view is that this communal aspect of the building is most clearly expressed architecturally by the central atrium , a space overlooked by the lift lobbies and the galleries of each upper floor that gives access to the flats .
17 The Whitehall-propagated view is that the changes in Eastern Europe are so momentous they render European Monetary Union , a common fiscal policy and the charter obsolete .
18 The Government 's view is that the market will decide if it is viable .
19 Radio Deregulation will mean a dramatic increase in choice for listeners : the Government 's view is that the market will decide if it is sustainable .
20 Another daft view is that all the woes which have beset the Soviet Union and its satellites are because these countries did n't know how to run their economies .
21 Its view is that any help from the West for the Soviet economy must be ‘ catalytic ’ : that is , it must ensure genuine radical reform .
22 Their view is that the after-tax cost of capital in America , Britain and Japan is roughly the same for companies posing similar risks , after adjusting for inflation , government barriers to the flow of capital and currency risk .
23 His view is that since there was little chance of a fascist state being formed in Britain the Labour Party ought to have been prepared to tackle fascism in a militant way and to strike a blow against the constitutional approach to politics which simply strengthened capitalism .
24 In fact , the Jewish view is that because they can carry life , women have a much higher spiritual level than men .
25 His view is that he was unacceptable because he was working class , lived in a council flat , and was in debt to the Housing Executive .
26 The most general form of this view is that the tenth-century rulers of Germany and England worked the church , and particularly the reformed monasteries within it , into a system of government .
27 My own view is that these exceptions are so infrequent that they are not a reason for abandoning the neo-Darwinist mechanism as the one which underlies the vast majority of adaptive evolutionary changes .
28 My own view is that scientific theories usually start out by assuming the existence of entities that no one has ever seen or touched — genes , atoms , photons , viruses .
29 The logic of this view is that there is no harm in voting Labour or Liberal , or in not voting at all .
30 The conventional view is that the body — somehow — tells these altruistic cells to do the honourable thing by activating a suicide programme .
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