Example sentences of "enough [that] the " in BNC.

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1 Is it not enough that the government has a monopoly on war ? ’
2 But it is notable enough that the deal is worth 3.6 times the annual $125m sales value of these products .
3 For the purposes of the Conservative Party conference , it was enough that the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer denied the existence of an alternative economic strategy .
4 The large presence at the start was proof enough that the overall standard of squash in this country is at its highest-ever level .
5 Finally , the twenty-four hours of detention do not have to have produced one jot of evidence to justify their continuation ; it is enough that the police want to obtain such evidence by further questioning .
6 It has always been puzzling enough that the proportion of men in gynaecology is higher than in any virtually any other specialty , as if detachment were an advantage in this field .
7 It was bad enough that the anniversary of my David 's death was only a few days away .
8 Muons can replace electrons in atoms but the muon 's greater mass causes the atoms to shrink ( in the case of hydrogen by a factor of 207 in all directions ) and the effects of the repulsive forces drop enough that the atoms can crowd together more easily and fusion can occur at low temperatures .
9 The loop must be big enough that the hand can easily be slipped out .
10 It was enough that the girl had made the shoes which she was wearing for this special occasion , she certainly had no place in this night of Emily 's triumph .
11 When English merchants moved out into the world beyond Europe , it was natural enough that the Spice Islands became their ultimate objective .
12 Even in a healthy society it is enough that the officials accept the secondary rules of recognition , adjudication and change and that the citizens acquiesce .
13 Nevertheless , it is clear enough that the realities of pre-war football do not find agreement with postwar nostalgia .
14 Goulding J. made it clear that he was not expressing , on an ex parte application , any decided view of the jurisdictional issue , though he accepted that where orders in personam were concerned it was enough that the court should have the party who must obey its order within its power .
15 It was not good enough that the IDB say they do n't know what to do to develop West Belfast ; this issue should be addressed .
16 Bearing in mind the evolving nature of the project itself with regard to guidelines on the format of proposals , the need for detailed spending plans and so on , it is natural enough that the shape and membership of the library committees in the first wave of schools were initially rather vague , the committees developing into more clearly constituted bodies as project development got under way .
17 The contemporary evidence is fragmentary , but it is clear enough that the strike was the occasion for certain master printers to revive the idea of employing women .
18 The move back to full employment , an integral part of the reform being advocated here , will itself have an indirect effect on wage levels , particularly for those at the bottom end of the income pile , although it can not be stressed enough that the drive towards full employment must be matched by a commitment to improve the productivity of all workers — including those on low pay .
19 The people of Stamford were passionately anxious that the railway should come their way , for it was plain enough that the great coaching trade , by which they lived , was doomed .
20 This conclusion was based on the premises that ( 1 ) it is the duty of the national court to ensure the legal protection which persons derive from the direct effect of a provision of Community law ; ( 2 ) article 30 was such a provision ; ( 3 ) if Wickes is right that section 47 of the Act of 1950 is incompatible with article 30 , it has a current right to open its stores for Sunday trading , and it is the duty of the national court to protect that right ; ( 4 ) in the absence of an undertaking in damages , Wickes will have been restrained from opening on Sundays , without any right to compensation ; ( 5 ) there is no need for this purpose to assess the strength of Wickes ' challenge to section 47 on the basis of article 30 , it being enough that the challenge is not without foundation : see [ 1991 ] 3 W.L.R. 985 , 993 , per Dillon L.J. , and pp. 999–1000 , per Mann L.J .
21 These authorities indicate plainly enough that the agreement in the present case did not create a lease and that the tenancy from year to year enjoyed by the tenant as a result of entering into possession and paying a yearly rent can be determined by six months ' notice by either landlord or tenant .
22 ‘ I will leave my card , ’ said Moore , pleased enough that the propriety of a first encounter had run its sufficient course .
23 He had indicated already he wished her to stay in the house for the night , and she knew well enough that the continued presence of her widowed mother and four brothers in the servants ' quarters in the rear compound depended on her strict obedience to all the wishes of the plantation director in his house .
24 It would not be enough that the actor merely intends to have himself arrested , for example by way of protest .
25 Whereas the earlier section requires that the language or conduct be used ‘ towards another person , ’ the section currently under consideration does not do so ; it is enough that the language be broadcast generally .
26 According to the court , it was not enough that the defendant deliberately did some act that had the effect , objectively assessed , of obstructing the police .
27 Leaving aside for the time being the question of ‘ hostile intent , ’ it is plain that it is not enough that the defendant deliberately does an act that has the incidental effect of obstructing the police ; he must also have some notion that he is obstructing and causing the police difficulties .
28 Control had told him often enough that the agency would never surface in his defence if anything went wrong .
29 We were glad enough that the weather seemed set fair for the remainder of our voyage and next morning set off on the last few miles of our northerly course to round the utmost tip of Shetland .
30 We assume that it is enough that the new way will prove better than the old way once it has been tried for some time .
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