Example sentences of "child if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And while some parents complain to the head teacher about their children becoming involved with the RUC , at least one headmistress was reported as being committed to the community relations programme , telling parents that she was responsible for their education and that they could move their child if they objected to the way this was done ( FN 10/2/87 , p. 7 ) .
2 Also , rules are meaningless to a child if they do not have a rationale .
3 Snacking rather than eating meals is a frequent difficulty as parents will offer food throughout the day to entice their child if they are concerned that they have n't eaten a meal .
4 As you thought , Mrs. Jack has not been able to state openly that a parent can withdraw a child if they so wish as it would be seen , like Tayside , to undermine ‘ the consensual approach ’ .
5 You can choose to take packed lunches for your child if you want to .
6 It is a terrible thing to be clung to by a sick child if you are not used to it ; Fleury was very shaken by the power of the protective instinct which was suddenly aroused in him , although to no avail , for there was nothing he could do .
7 If the word , son , there , you the decide , sing child if you feel more comfortable with that , you 're up in arms .
8 It 's hopelessly confusing to a child if you laugh at her behaviour one day , but shout at her the next for the same trick .
9 Well that 's what I 'm saying , why do n't you use the money that Geoffrey and Jean gave you with al buy something and then you can write to them and tell them what you 've cos it 's a fortnight since your birthday , it 's time you 're writing to them they 'll think you 're a most ungrateful child if you do n't write and say thank you .
10 Some parents , for example , specialize in threats , notably the counter-productive and fear-provoking ones involving policemen , monsters and kidnappers who will harm or remove the child if he or she does n't comply .
11 This is a training exercise during which the parent learns to use appropriate commands and follow through after five seconds either by rewarding and attending to the child if he or she has complied or by using time out if not .
12 It is of little value to a child if he or she can express him or herself in words but is unable to write in a legible hand .
13 These assumptions will be detrimental to the black child if he or she is seen as being rescued from a life of misery .
14 The computer asks the child if he or she wants to work the section again or choose another scene .
15 It was argued that the sentencer has failed to give weight to the effect on the appellant 's wife and child if he were deported , and that his good behaviour while on bail indicated that he was not a threat to the country if he remained .
16 ( 5 ) The justices erred in failing to consider the evidence of potential detriment to the child if he remained in secure accommodation , particularly in the light of the evidence .
17 ( 3 ) Subject to the following subsections , a person ( here referred to as ‘ the defendant ’ ) is answerable to the child if he was liable in tort to the parent or would , if sued in due time , have been so ; and it is no answer that there could not have been such liability because the parent suffered no actionable injury , if there was a breach of legal duty which , accompanied by injury , would have given rise to the liability . …
18 To serve and accept serviceof documents on the child 's behalf and to explain the contents to the child if he has sufficient understanding .
19 Within seven days of the agreement to vary , written notification must be given to the child if he is of sufficient understanding , his parents and anyone entitled to contact under s34(1) .
20 The judicial or administrative authority may also refuse to order the return of the child if it finds that the child objects to being returned and has attained the age and degree of maturity at which it is appropriate to take account of its views .
21 But why not kill a child if it is for the child 's good ?
22 ‘ She would be little more than a child if she has lived , ’ he said .
23 Ask your child if she thinks it will float or sink .
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