Example sentences of "come into the " in BNC.

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1 But it is disingenuous for academics to pretend that they can participate in such discussion on terms of complete equality with their students , for there are questions of power and authority involved ; at the end of the day , grades and marks , assessing and examining , come into the picture .
2 You stop leaving doors open behind you as you come into the house .
3 Charlie come into the Dragon at about half nine , maybe a quarter to ten .
4 Come into the lounge , ’ said a voice behind him .
5 Er , come into the bedroom , Bodo . ’
6 I like to run the ball and come into the line .
7 The algae feeds on nitrogen and phosphates which come into the water from agriculture and sewage .
8 A pair of young fighters who come into the ring and fight a contest of this kind would have had the referee boxing their ears and offering such terse words as ‘ get in there and fight ’ .
9 Sidney Bludman , of the University of Pennsylvania , argued in Brighton that the turncoat neutrinos suggest that GUTs come into the picture at lower energies than are normally expected .
10 It is also a fact that very few people actually come into the Christian faith with a deep burden of sin .
11 Come into the kitchen , and we will have a cup of tea .
12 ‘ Now come into the garden , ’ she added , smiling .
13 Come into the Company Office . ’
14 ‘ She 's in her ‘ Come into the garden , Maud ’ mood , ’ said Otley .
15 And she shall continue in the blood of purification three and thirty days ; she shall touch no hallowed thing , nor come into the sanctuary , until the days of her purification be fulfilled .
16 You are following two other companies and the last one is moving their equipment Out as you come into the room .
17 It can leave one hopelessly confused as new fitness fashions go in and out of vogue and you come into the orbit of different coaches .
18 A Dormitory Suburb is an expression used to describe an area outside a large town where people have their homes and sleep but do n't do anything else very much — they work in the town and very often come into the town for their social life as well .
19 Leave this seat of learning and you come into the newly renamed Marianské Square .
20 Most bacteria come into the category either of Gram-positive , which take up the purple stain , or Gram-negative which do n't .
21 I believe the solution lies in identifying why the wrong dogs come into the hands of the wrong people .
22 Well , lead it and have the courage of your convictions : either come into the open or drop that fellow .
23 Lord Whitelaw and John Biffen come into the category of influential ministers whose views can not be taken for granted .
24 It is clear from previous discussion that voluntary CAB workers in particular come into the organisation with the preconceived idea that interviewing clients will be their task .
25 To see how this works , it is necessary to calculate the total proportions who come into the non-base category of X 1 and X 2 from figure 13.5 ; 0.530 of the sample is young and 0.578 is rich .
26 To some extent local factors come into the situation — the fine-tuning , for a village in what was Wessex will be different from that of a similar place in the former Danelaw or Northumbrian areas .
27 Probably , in his youth , some tone deaf colleague had told him that he possessed a good voice , ever since when , he would arise at every opportunity , usually by reluctant request , and then po-faced with hand on heart , would bellow ‘ Come into the garden Maude ’ , watched by a captive audience and a proud , watery-eyed wife .
28 Come into the garden …
29 Instead he bent over , looked at the sore , patted me on the head and said : ‘ Come into the shop and I 'll give you some sweets .
30 They come into the world not just as bundles of flesh and bone but with already distinctive personalities capable of initiating different responses from those around them .
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