Example sentences of "found in the " in BNC.

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1 If so , the power of critics may be no more than the listings services offered in the papers or on posters , while real power can be found in the organisation of the art market .
2 There are , of course , many schools other than those listed in the appendix , and also a great many private coaches , all of whom may be found in the publication Contacts , a trade book everyone interested in joining the profession should obtain from the office of The Spotlight , 42–43 Cranbourn St , London WC2H 7AP .
3 A good example of this can be found in the sleep village of Buckland in Oxfordshire !
4 Examples of neo-Georgian pubs can be found in the suburbs of Liverpool ( often designed by Quiggin and Gee , two former pupils of Professor Reilly ) and in many other places .
5 A classic example of this attitude can be found in the small but highly profitable Taylor Walker-run chain J & W Nicholson .
6 I have not been able to find any reference to pruning it , although I have cut out any dead wood found in the spring .
7 These plants , with their slow metabolism , can be found in the wild growing happily in woodland floors where sunlight is filtered .
8 The address can be found in the library , post office or the GP 's surgery .
9 Other challenges to social researchers to pursue a form of participant observation are to be occasionally found in the journals :
10 ( One of his father 's particular delights was found in the Reader 's Digest , perhaps an indication of his limited energies . )
11 Scobie appears to borrow the connection from an article by Sandra Djwa — ‘ Leonard Cohen : Black Romantic ’ which first appeared in 1967 , where it is more skilfully and roundly argued : ‘ Cohen 's dominant theme ( is ) , ’ she says , ‘ the relationship between experience and art , and more specifically the suggestion that the value of experience is to be found in the art of ‘ beauty ’ distilled from it … ’
12 Now one of the interesting cameos of God 's providence , prominently found in the Talmud and among the Hasidim , is the idea that in every generation are 36 tsadihim , pious or righteous men , who ( though unknown ) keep the world going .
13 Another expression of this psychic force is found in the cynicism and bitterness he displayed from time to time when he grumbles about the dark , the flies and the cold ; but other references are very much stronger , e.g. ‘ The Cuckold 's Song ’ etc ) .
14 This word universal is never the name of anything existent in nature , nor of any idea or phantasm found in the mind [ my italics ] , but always the name of some word or name ; so that when a living creature , a stone , a spirit , or any other thing , is said to be universal , it is not to be understood that any man , stone etc. , ever was or can be universal , but only that the words , living creature , stone , etc. , are universal names , that is , names common to many things ; and the conceptions answering them in the mind are the images and phantasms of several living creatures or other things .
15 Berkeley 's attack on abstract ideas is to be found in the introduction to his Principles of Human Knowledge , of which there are many editions .
16 A Cogelow tool ( above ) and the sweep of shapes to be found in the Ashley Iles catalogue
17 Details of local Age Concern groups can be found in the telephone book under ‘ Age Concern ’ or ‘ Old People 's Welfare Council ’ .
18 Evidence that David Kirby was keen to show that L&SE was no longer a region-based organisation is to be found in the launch of Awayday , entitling an adult , if accompanied by at least one child , to purchase up to four additional tickets for adults or children at a flat fare of £1 each for use anywhere within the sector area .
19 Three fine examples of this exhilaration can be found in the excited circling of the cast round the hero and heroine in such ballets as Coppélia , Pineapple Poll and Daphnis and Chloë .
20 These dances mattered very much to Petipa and all nineteenthcentury balletmasters because they were expected to show off the wealth of talent found in the many imperial , Royal and State theatres , e.g. all the characters from other fairy tales who came to Aurora 's wedding and the character dances in Swan Lake .
21 All dance is based on the same principles and rules which are dictated by the anatomical capacity for movement found in the human body .
22 They behave much as do similar characters found in the epics of other nations .
23 Each step can be found in the classical vocabulary .
24 Another source for dances of character can be found in the sad clown or ‘ the man who gets slapped ’ .
25 Scottie and her sister were found in the boot of a car .
26 Dostoevsky 's letter to Katkov asserting that crimes like Raskolnikov 's can be found in the newspapers also discusses motive .
27 The draft letter to Katkov merely claims that crimes like this fictional one can be found in the newspapers , and that the fictional murderer has come under the influence of certain half-baked ideas which happen to be in the air at the time .
28 Under certain circumstances , this allows an electrical current to begin moving without resistance at a higher temperature , as found in the high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors .
29 The galaxy , known as IRAS F10214+4724 , is in fact the most luminous object ever found in the universe .
30 The series did not have a uniform intellectual line and many varieties of opinion could be found in the contributors .
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