Example sentences of "found [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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31 When the car was delivered it was found to have done some 550 miles .
32 As the area was cleared it was found to have malfunctioned .
33 Probably many of the products of erratic copying will be found to have lost the property of self replication that their ‘ parent ’ had .
34 At this point , ‘ Dr Johnson observed that there had been great disputes about the spelling of Shakespear 's [ sic ] name : ‘ At last it was thought it would be settled by looking at the original copy of his will ; but , upon examining it , he was found to have written it himself no less than three different ways . ’
35 In 1988 , paintings on loan from the New York Public Library were found to have mildewed and rotted in one of the society 's warehouses .
36 Tumour extracts of different origin such as breast , lung , prostate , stomach , and colon were found to have raised concentrations of plasminogen activator activities .
37 A 44 year old white woman was initially found to have raised alkaline phosphatase , an anti-mitochondrial antibody titre of 1:160 and hypothyroidism with high anti-microsomal and anti-thyroglobulin titres .
38 In that case , the party whom the clause favours ( usually the seller ) will not be found to have incorporated it in the contract unless either it was in a contractual document signed by the other party or else reasonable steps had been taken to bring it to the attention of the other party .
39 The professional London chef who had supervised the cooking was found to have left the area in a hurry on the previous evening .
40 Leaseholders were found to have experienced a variety of problems with the management of their block , including failure on the landlord 's part to carry out repairs , too little or excessive refurbishment , estimates ‘ rigged ’ by landlords or managing agents , failure to consult leaseholders and difficulty in obtaining information about accounts and insurance .
41 One of the earlier manifestations of pressurisation hazards was the Comet 1 accident near Rome in 1954 when a fatigue crack was found to have propagated from a cut-out in the top of the fuselage designed to accommodate the automatic direction finder aerial system .
42 But it could not resist the collapse of business confidence after leading politicians were found to have refused corporate bribes on moral grounds .
43 Nevertheless , the predominance of centrifugal movement is clear and is found to have intensified markedly between the 1950s and the 1970s .
44 Since debris contaminated by the Purex was found to have washed ashore , twenty-five miles of beaches along the Cumbrian coast were officially closed to the public .
45 Such a reading could well be found to have attributed too much to a recoil , a respite , a provisional position .
46 Its herdbook was formed in 1892 and there was a breed society from 1920 to 1938 but it was reconstructed from a few remaining individuals , with the result that there was considerable inbreeding and a particularly popular bull , widely used for his whiteness , was later found to have spread a serious genetic defect ( hypoplasia ) correlated to the degree of whiteness .
47 But the development of the law does seem to show that judges have been able to dispense from the necessity of justification under a public policy test of reasonableness such contracts or provisions of contracts as , under contemporary conditions , may be found to have passed into the accepted and normal currency of commercial or contractual or conveyancing relations .
48 ( 2 ) The following classes of cases are usually not subject to the doctrine : ( a ) those which include a restraint which does not involve the convenantor in giving up a freedom which he would otherwise have enjoyed unless the restraint creates a positive duty to do something which restricts his freedom during the period of its operation ; ( b ) those which , under contemporary conditions , may be found to have passed into the accepted and normal currency of commercial or contractual or conveyancing relations ; and ( c ) those in which the purpose and nature of the restraint is coterminous with the purpose of the contract .
49 These include procedures designed to ensure that : ( 1 ) no alleged contemnor shall be in any doubt as to the charges which are made against him ; ( 2 ) he shall be given a proper opportunity of showing cause why he should not be held in contempt of court ; ( 3 ) if an order of committal is made , the accused ( a ) knows precisely in what respects he has been found to have offended and ( b ) is given a written record of those findings and of the sentence passed upon him .
50 His world started falling apart two days ago when he was found to have failed random drugs tests taken two weeks ago before the games began .
51 A village churchyard across the muddy fields from the Somme bears testimony to the British soldiers found to have failed their country .
52 The 26 to 30 age group was found to have performed best of all and their degree results were significantly better than all other mature students .
53 The Committee held four meetings , and after hearing charges which had been formulated by the Professional Conduct Committee under Byelaw 5 , reprimanded two members who were found to have misconducted themselves and expelled two others from membership .
54 ‘ that a person who has entered into the contract may either affirm or avoid such contract after the duress has ceased ; and if he has so voluntarily acted under it with a full knowledge of all the circumstances he may be held bound on the ground of ratification , or if , after escaping from the duress , he takes no steps to set aside the transaction he may be found to have affirmed it . ’
55 At luncheon , Bradbury 's Alsatian dog was found to have retrieved a boot of a German airman and was chewing it under the table .
56 Some of the consultants were found to have spent money from the project on gifts and on unnecessarily high-priced hotel rooms .
57 After investigations by the Company , Bayles was found to have usurped the Headmaster 's authority by selling stationery and interfering with book orders and he was allowed to resign on 2nd June 1851 , " with regret , after 19 years ' service " .
58 Notwithstanding the growing power of the Congress movement , he entertained high expectations of the new policy in fostering the seeds of devotion to the empire in the Indian people , believing in the face of all the evidence that the reforms would create conditions whereby ‘ one day the greater love of the greater Commonwealth will be found to have come without observation ’ .
59 When John Profumo was found to have lied to the House this was a contempt .
60 Particularly as it has been discovered that about 30% of men who die from other causes are also found to have had prostate cancer . ’
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