Example sentences of "knew was [that] " in BNC.

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1 What the anthropologist Jacques Maquet knew was that a few weeks after finishing this sombre painting , Rothko committed suicide .
2 There would be no more In Love redemption , thought Jay , in fact all she knew was that she did n't know what Love was .
3 All he knew was that he had always woken up with a splitting headache afterwards , and often wished he 'd had the headache instead the night before .
4 All I knew was that the more I ate , the more I hated myself and my body , and the more depressed and despairing I felt of ever being back ‘ in control ’ .
5 All he knew was that the Eckleys were lending the Brownings their best carriage so they might travel the more comfortably to Rome for the winter .
6 All she knew was that she came to lie on a garden bench and it was dark and the stars overhead were piercingly bright .
7 All Marr really knew was that Morrissey had written a book about The New York Dolls and was quite prepared to spend the next hour talking about them if nothing else was to stem from the meeting .
8 All she knew was that the one excluded the other and she could not have both .
9 What neither of them knew was that the morning pouch from Riyadh contained a confidential letter from Steve Pyle to the London-based General Manager for Overseas Operations .
10 All he knew was that he had been inadequately protected , and that an attempt on his life had been thwarted by the merest accident .
11 All I knew was that my life was intolerable and that the only way not to be destroyed by it , or by ‘ them ’ as I called the adult , authoritative world , was to reject them and everything they stood for .
12 ‘ All we knew was that we were walking down the street and people were throwing eggs .
13 All she knew was that her father and his friends were never short of anything to drink .
14 He slipped something in my wine and the next thing I knew was that we were on the Continent .
15 All she knew was that she was cold and hungry and thirsty , that she had not slept for more than few minutes at a time and that all her thoughts were with Tristram .
16 Harry had told her very little about his discussion with Sir Gregory : all she knew was that Tristram had been caught trespassing and that Jennifer had been caught going to meet him ; but although each had sworn that nothing untoward had happened , and their reserve and good behaviour seemed to confirm their innocence , Ann could not forget the scandal they had caused ten years before , nor could she believe that Tristram would have scaled the Roscarrock wall simply to sit with his cousin and talk .
17 All I knew was that I felt married to him .
18 All that she knew was that he was increasingly away from home , at meetings , conferences .
19 All she knew was that she counted on Thomas .
20 All I knew was that I must keep him out of sight until Herbert returned .
21 All that she knew was that she needed it .
22 The next thing he knew was that the girl with the lovely face was with him in the hut , holding his head in her arms .
23 All he knew was that he had to get away from Weatherbury .
24 He did n't know when they 'd be back ; all he knew was that his boss had some kind of private deal going with the gang foreman of a motorway sub-contractor , and the boys always appeared without notice , worked at the speed of practised moonlighters , and probably got their money in a plain envelope passed under a pub table somewhere .
25 All I knew was that it was buried somewhere in the middle of that sea of bricks ’ ( Orwell , 1939 ; 1962 edn , p. 117 ) .
26 All she knew was that the vehicle was behind her now .
27 All we knew was that they were not there when we needed them , and we blamed them .
28 All that the loyalists knew was that their very own Special Constabulary was going to be dismantled and that this had been one of NICRA 's long-standing demands .
29 All I knew was that North Yemen was on the south western coast of the Arabian peninsula , that the language was Arabic and that the country had been closed to the West until 1962 when a revolution overthrew the ruling Imamate .
30 All she knew was that she presumably represented a new challenge .
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