Example sentences of "knew [adv] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Then , when we actually visit that place for the first time , a subconscious memory is triggered and we are convinced that we knew instinctively what it would look like .
2 I knew instinctively what had happened .
3 She knew medically what had happened to her .
4 He was diffident , seemingly vague , declaring a lack of knowledge and ignorance of education and of teaching , and that he knew only what he had learned through his own work as a painter .
5 And then she knew , with the extra sense that her ancestors , the wolves , had possessed , she knew suddenly what the wrongness and the dry evil intelligence meant .
6 He was aware that a captain with a record such as his has a big advantage , since any troops will respond better to a leader they know has been through the fire himself , and so he knew just what he could ask of his bowlers .
7 With the Malayan campaign and three tours in Northern Ireland behind him , Skinner knew just what the Army 's requirements were , and as far as possible ensured they were met .
8 Fatima Zamzam , for example , knew just what had happened to her home and lands .
9 Either Quinn knew just what he was doing or he was going to provoke the kidnapper into putting down the phone .
10 Jane knew just what a good soldier her husband was , but a woman who has deserted her man and stolen his fortune soon learns to denigrate his memory as a justification for her actions .
11 Immediately , Lalage knew just what she could have done with that masterpiece in satin .
12 A tight knot of apprehension made her frown and , as if he knew just what she was thinking , he got to his feet .
13 She knew just what she had to do , knew the music perfectly , could sing it in her sleep , but now she felt , for the first time in years , she could bring something of herself , her personality , into her singing .
14 If the recommendations became law , unauthorised entry to a computer through carelessness would technically be an offence , so there was more of an onus on companies to ensure that all employees knew exactly what they were authorised to do , a spokesman said .
15 He had devoted Sunday evening to making a plan of action and knew exactly what he and everyone else he could press into service was going to be doing this morning .
16 When a sound start was then followed by a sparkling 80 from Richards , a classical 84 from Hooper and a thumping 72 from Marshall , with even Ambrose making 43 , we knew exactly what was what , and when Richards declared on the fourth evening at 448 for 9 , leaving England with a day plus 51 overs to survive , there were probably not many people who thought they would make it .
17 Civil disobedience on the Gandhian pattern was still strange to Britain and no one knew exactly what to do next .
18 People said he was a fool , but I think he knew exactly what he was doing .
19 Mr Alan Houghton , group director of the Selby mine complex , of which Stillingfleet is one of five collieries , said : ‘ Everybody knew exactly what we were doing .
20 The rest were wrapped up in a fog , from drugs or cracked minds , but Anne knew exactly what was going on .
21 Since they knew exactly what was going to happen the others usually grabbed him , tied up the red scarf and sat him down .
22 If only the great wide world of cinema audiences knew exactly what happened …
23 Gently , deftly , as if he now knew exactly what to do , Marcus turned Pat on to his back , pulling him slightly toward the centre of the bed and laying his arms out straight beside his body .
24 The little wife knew exactly what she was doing .
25 She knew exactly what she wanted to say but the words would n't come .
26 He fortunately knew exactly what was wanted and would talk to John for hours on end , about the making of music , history , composers etc. , to such good effect that , when John wanted to put music to ballet , he knew exactly what he wanted .
27 He fortunately knew exactly what was wanted and would talk to John for hours on end , about the making of music , history , composers etc. , to such good effect that , when John wanted to put music to ballet , he knew exactly what he wanted .
28 There was only one bus every two hours to and from Linby , so that Angela knew exactly what time Cheryl would get back .
29 Omero knew exactly what she meant as he had broken a tooth as a result of eating rock given to him by visitors at Easter , and sometimes it really hurts .
30 She knew exactly what that was .
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