Example sentences of "question had be " in BNC.

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1 The arbitrator stated that the elderly couple in question had been sold an unsuitable product and had not been given adequate risk warnings .
2 As McLeish had observed to a colleague at the ti me , he 'd have understood the whole performance if the solicitor in question had been going to marry either of them , but there had been no question of that , it was just obfuscation for its own sake .
3 ‘ Yeh , ’ she said , knowing it did n't matter what the question had been .
4 Vera asks me : ‘ Why did you stay a Communist for so long , even after your friend was executed in 1950 ? '' ’ The friend in question had been a schoolmate and they had worked together in the resistance .
5 The mere question had been enough to provoke suspicion .
6 The question had been raised in the Commons during the debates on the Bill , when Churchill indicated that the Board of Trade hoped for co-operation between labour exchanges and local education authorities ( LEAs ) in the sharing of information , and that in certain instances Juvenile Advisory Committees ( JACs ) could be established .
7 The call on Sanders elicited the information that the client in question had been a Herr Fedorov , who lived in a large house just north of the village .
8 The Indians were able to show , after lengthy but amicable negotiations , that the object in question had been collected without proper tribal authorisation in 1887 !
9 Coming in behind him , she did n't see Midnight 's glance flicker to James Lambert , then away , as if a question had been asked and answered .
10 With Price Waterhouse 's help , every question had been constructed to generate a simple yes or no answer .
11 The case in question had been argued as one of relevance of evidence .
12 The crimes in question had been committed by my body , not by me .
13 But the question had been unwelcome and for the first time some of his cockiness seemed to have drained from him .
14 Rejected by Tawney ( 1912 ) , this has now been fully vindicated by Dr Kerridge , who has shown that the security conferred on the copyholder by the law was not inferior to that enjoyed by the freeholder , and that it was not a subject for dispute in the courts during the sixteenth century ‘ for the simple reason that the question had been settled long before ’ .
15 The question had been considered in Nazari ( 1980 ) 2 Cr.App.R .
16 But the question had been there all the time .
17 Later , Julia discovered that the German army in question had been in South Africa and that Colonel Scotland 's appointment had ended some years before the Great War .
18 Pete had known that it was coming — the only question had been , when ?
19 For almost half a century the housing question had been dominated by the problems of insanitary , unfit dwellings and the association with overcrowding and ill health .
20 I had , for the previous fifteen years , enjoyed the privilege of living in a Christian community where the charismatic question had been a lively issue , and where ‘ charismatic ’ and ‘ non-charismatic ’ ordinands lived together in a high degree of mutual trust and love .
21 It was as though the question had been forced from him .
22 John-William Dallam 's law , according , to which , had she committed an offence against " the person — provided the person in question had been one of her own kind — then her sentence might well have been light ; a leniency by no means extended to offences against " property " which must be strenuously , mercilessly put down .
23 The fact that manufacturer B produced a safer razor after the razor in question had been supplied by manufacturer A is not enough to enable us to say that manufacturer A's razor was defective .
24 Throughout the interview , Reni kept a Horus eye on proceedings , interrupting , when he felt an irrelevant question had been asked , with the speed and precision of a young judge .
25 He had seen the young French clerk whom Celeste had seduced , be broken in a matter of days and confess to whatever question had been put to him .
26 The question had been ignored .
27 On this occasion , the Canadian bags in question had been inadvertently included in such a consignment sent to Wandsworth .
28 The youth in question had been before the courts , but was still at large .
29 ‘ Quite sure , ’ John said , not pleased that the question had been asked again .
30 Up until this point the military dictatorship in question had been an archetypal target for student protesters who expressed total solidarity with the left-wing guerillas who opposed it .
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