Example sentences of "saw it and " in BNC.

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1 I mean people saw it and said , ‘ That 's not Shirley Bassey . ’
2 Nevertheless eight million people saw it and , even with the cuts , they were impressed .
3 Bournonville saw it and was so impressed that he put his own version in Copenhagen in 1836 , to different music .
4 This is exactly the way the band saw it and , when pushed , certain employees of Rough Trade agreed that there had been some kind of promotional foul-up .
5 I saw it and obviously so did Arnold , but nobody else could have .
6 De Valois saw it and accepted it for the repertory .
7 They each believed that what they were doing was vital for the betterment of the world as each saw it and neither would give way to the other , or defer in any way to the other 's claimed priority in attention , preference or responsibility .
8 However , one of my many visitors saw it and told Barry Cockcroft , the gentleman who produced and directed my film for Yorkshire Television .
9 I saw it and said , ‘ Not me , baby , I 'm not going to get caught like that . ’
10 That 's how we saw it and that was the reason for the merger . ’
11 The Trunchbull looked down and saw it and she bellowed even louder and with a swipe of her hand she sent the creature flying across the class-room .
12 My colleague saw it and cut it out for me .
13 We loved it when we first saw it and we have no doubt that you will too .
14 That was how she saw it and it added to her perturbation just as the sight of Tom leading hay over under the far wood gave her a quite unnecessary pang for she had never really loved him .
15 But others saw it and the crowd shuffled free a space to let them through .
16 Derek saw it and saw also Frank 's reluctant flinch of sympathy .
17 Matisse substantiated this story by his statement to Warnod that he had bought a negro statuette in a curiosity shop in the rue de Rennes , on his way to Gertrude Stein 's , and that Picasso saw it and became enthusiastic about it .
18 But Gemma saw it and smiling at him , her affection undiminished , closed her own eyes gratefully .
19 Silence had fallen for almost three weeks and then her father had written again , with the utmost brevity , to say he would review the situation when he saw it and that they could get away after the harvest .
20 This picture , the third in Faye 's series , focused more fully on her face and the likeness of features and form was very good , but it showed her with such a yearning , wistful expression that everyone who saw it and knew her would think her life had been one long secret sorrow .
21 The SCOTVEC exercise gave me an ideal and welcome opportunity to spend some time on advanced course provision , to see how others saw it and , finally , to find out how other colleges approached it .
22 It was the customer himself who recognised professionalism when he saw it and responded accordingly .
23 Robyn saw it and felt pleasure uncurl deep inside her .
24 Isabel saw it and did n't care .
25 This left the chief judge with the kind of decision he did n't want , but he read it as he saw it and awarded Gold to Devitt .
26 I rang Michael and said I 'd like to go over and persuade him , and drove to his cottage and talked at length about how I saw it and why I really wanted his sort of ability and personality .
27 To all intents , a British plane flying home if anyone saw it and all it had to do to make the drop was fly in under eight hundred feet because many sections of the English coast have no low-level radar . ’
28 Miss Pope saw it and smiled .
29 So those but Fantasia passes are very similar , I just turned mine turned mine round she saw it and went she showed me a blank yellow so I did n't thought it perhaps a different pass but it was n't just turned it round on her .
30 And I saw it and everybody in the whole room saw it and burst out laughing cos it was so funny .
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