Example sentences of "take it as " in BNC.

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1 They knew the realist option but did not take it as a way out of a social impasse , because , I would argue , the phenomenalist tendency of thought is too strong .
2 MANY will take it as a further surrender to Common Market bureaucracy that an inspectorate will soon be established to regulate the smell of farm manure .
3 So far as its origin is concerned , we shall take it as a factor in organic evolution , and shall content ourselves with pointing out certain more primitive features of which it is the natural development .
4 Then she glanced down at Lee as if she thought Lee might take it as a remark against her .
5 And having noticed that there is nothing whatever in this ‘ I think , therefore I am ’ which assures me that I say the truth , other than that I see very clearly [ je vois très clairement ] that to think it is necessary to be , I judged that I could take it as a general rule that the things which we conceive very clearly and very distinctly [ que nous concevons fort clairement et fort distinctement ] are all true …
6 ‘ Luis , ’ I said , ‘ even in England , if a man called me that , I 'd take it as great rudeness .
7 Indeed , we would take it as a compliment if our presentation of an argument were described as ‘ well researched ’ .
8 He would take it as a personal affront .
9 And if you do n't feel that you can fit in a pupil comment , you have to be very careful here because some people will take it as a cop-out and not do it and a that worries me and it has happened and I think it is important that the youngsters are actually given some guidance and the opportunity to do it .
10 But if we had no independent reason for accepting this conclusion , such as the argument from error provides , we would take it as a point against his theory that it shows we do n't know the most central and obvious things such as that we are not brains in vats , that there is a material world or that the world began more than five minutes ago .
11 If I say , ‘ No ’ , they will take it as a signal for war .
12 But I flatter myself that I can meet this danger more calmly and securely than most philologists ; my philosophical seriousness is already too deeply rooted , the true and essential problems of life and thought have been too clearly shown to me by the great mystagogue Schopenhauer … " ( 1869 ) ; " I love the Greeks more and more … [ but ] … the philologist 's existence … seems to me more and more anomalous " ( 1870 ) ; " For me , everything that is best and most beautiful is associated with the names Schopenhauer and Wagner , and I am proud and happy to share this feeling with my closest friends " ( 1870 again ) ; and from the close of the same year , " Let us drag on in this university existence for a few more years ; let us take it as a sorrowful lesson … I realize what Schopenhauer 's doctrine of university wisdom is all about …
13 Auguste would take it as a reflection on his honour if they were not , despite the unseasonable time of year .
14 ‘ You can take it as a pledge of my good faith . ’
15 The right hon. Member for Worcester has said in characteristically self-deprecating phrases that he does not have a great desire to be remembered but I am sure that , given his record , he will take it as an accolade to be thought of , in H. L. Mencken 's happy phrase , as a politician who could sit on the fence and have both ears to the ground at the same time .
16 He has always been a source of inspiration to me and I hope that he will take it as a compliment when I say that , from the days when I was a student , he has been an inspiration to me .
17 ‘ You can take it as a down-payment . ’
18 He certainly did n't take it as any evidence of preferment .
19 ‘ My master will take it as a sign , a beacon to lead him the way you wish . ’
20 So I can take it as as gospel this morning that some of these franchises will be fifteen years , how many might be fifteen years , might they all be fifteen years ?
21 Prosodists should take it as a manifesto for investigating the links between those intuitions and the linguistic surface of texts , particularly at the phonetic level : rhythmic analysis still needs its empiricists , and Cureton has given them plenty of work to do .
22 Bu bu bu but would you take it just as a suggestion or would you take it as a
23 No they 'd probably take it as an a as a er er n okay to just go and just
24 Please do not take it as an example that you may all leap to your feed to make your bids .
25 I 'll take it as such ! ’
26 And she hoped Nigel would n't take it as a slur on his driving .
27 She may take it as a slight on her ability as a mother .
28 ‘ Even so , if the rabbit died , I think you could take it as fate 's plan for you .
29 ‘ I can show you an excellent view of the town , ’ he pressed , his smile dipping for all the world as if he would take it as a personal tragedy if she refused .
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