Example sentences of "britain over [art] " in BNC.

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1 TWO Irishmen have declared war on Britain over a lump of rock .
2 After 1870 industrialization and urbanization entered a new phase , which economic historians have designated the second industrial revolution to distinguish it from the coming of industry to Britain over a century earlier .
3 According to the original plan , around 30 tons of plutonium " needed to supply the domestic nuclear-energy programme " would be shipped from reprocessing plants in France and Britain over a 20-year period .
4 Fig. 9.1 Age-sex profiles for Great Britain over a period of 130 years .
5 With tongue in cheek , the writer had suggested that a deal be struck with Britain over the Six Counties in the North .
6 To understand this we need to look at the history of cultural theory and criticism in Britain over the last twenty to thirty years .
7 THE STORY of vertebrate life in Britain over the past 2 million years or so is fascinating .
8 The government , says Roith , should take some of the credit for the growth in computer literacy in Britain over the past half a decade .
9 Rhetorically , the central organising theme of the debates on the inner city in Britain over the last three years has been the problem of exporting the successes of the rest of the nation to this extraordinary conceptual space .
10 Interest rates have been killing off Britain over the years , he said .
11 Given the number of prominent cases of judicial error in Britain over the past few years — Guildford Four , Birmingham Six , Stefan Kiszcko , the Tottenham Three and Judith Ward — it is not an abstract question .
12 His recital of the history of the archbishops ' exercise of authority over the whole of Britain over the centuries is punctuated by quotations from Gregory , proclaiming the claims of antiquity as a model for future conduct .
13 In fact , as we shall see , employers in the USA — particularly in the manufacturing sector where enterprise-level bargaining and large corporations predominate — have felt less need for association with other employers for negotiating purposes , while in Britain over the past two decades there has been a trend towards the adoption of company-centred industrial relations policies rather than continued adherence to the norms laid down by an association .
14 Mineral exploration of fluctuating intensity has continued in Britain over the last twenty years .
15 First we examine the trends in population structure in Britain over the last century and the forecasts for the early decades of the next millennium .
16 Changes in mortality have influenced the marital status composition of the older age groups in Britain over the last century .
17 Patterns of family formation have changed significantly in Britain over the last century .
18 It quickly outgrew its humble illegal origins to dominate social life in Britain over the last six months at least .
19 Various championships have been staged in Britain over the years , each with individual sponsors , and quite often with two or more championships running concurrently .
20 One of the dominant social characteristics of Britain over the past fifty years has been the degree of upward social mobility of those whose parents held traditional working-class jobs .
21 To understand the significance of these most recent changes , it is first necessary to review the main trends in social mobility in Britain over the past fifty years , before considering those developments that have become more marked since the mid-1970s .
22 The remit which I set myself is to examine in outline the ways in which the political parties have both responded to and helped to shape the pertinent social collectivities in Britain over the post-war years , and how the activities of political forces have been constrained by , and have served to maintain or transform , the economic class relations of British capitalism .
23 The marked improvement in the terms of trade for Britain over the early '50s permitted a rise in real wages despite a decline in Britain 's exports , while a substantial inflow of American direct private investment helped to boost capital accumulation .
24 Indeed a survey found that few such sites in rural Britain over the past 45 years reached even 3000 .
25 What is certain , however , is that these structural and geographical changes in the population have , in combination , produced a profound transformation in the population size and composition of most places in Britain over the past two decades .
26 For example the Review of Railway Finances chaired by Sir David Serpell was given the following terms of reference ‘ to examine the finances of the railway and associated operations , in the light of all relevant considerations , and to report on options for alternative policies , and their related objectives , designed to secure improved financial results in an efficiently run railway in Great Britain over the next 20 years ’ .
27 He did n't approve of Celtic influence on what he called " the pure springs of Anglo-Saxon democracy " , holding that most of what had gone wrong with Britain over the past thousand years or so was the fault of " Celtic individualism " .
28 Because of deteriorating claims all insurers have been forced to increase significantly their premium levels in Northern Ireland and Great Britain over the past number of years .
29 If one looks across the channel , as some of us have , and sees the way in which the matter is approached there , it is humiliating to consider what has gone on in Britain over the past few years .
30 Data processing has been a key employment growth area in Britain over the past decade .
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