Example sentences of "britain and the " in BNC.

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1 Comparisons were now being made between it and that of Britain and the USA in the thirties , when names such as T.S .
2 The FSC is currently in the draft stage , with proposals being presented to conservationists in Britain and the USA .
3 Until 1987 there were two separate train ferry operations for through freight traffic between Britain and the continent , Dover-Dunkerque and Harwich-Zeebrugge .
4 Expedition members Steve Hillen ( 24 ) , Dave Tyson ( 23 ) , Dave Lister ( 23 ) and Mike Penlington all have extensive climbing experience in Britain and the Alps .
5 The extra stress that it will have caused to forest trees in Britain and the continent will provide one of the first tests of his new ideas .
6 THE HEAD of Afghanistan 's Supreme Defence Council has accused Britain and the United States of supplying the mujahedin with long-range cluster-bomb rockets and additional supplies of the British-made Blowpipe anti-aircraft missiles .
7 The GDR line is that Britain and the US were responsible for this ‘ collaboration with monopoly capital … without any democratic authorisation ’ .
8 Both countries also enjoy the full support of Britain and the US — a point you chose to ignore .
9 It appears that about 20 IRA members , organised into several units , are operating on mainland Britain and the Continent .
10 In Easton routine policing is performed only by regular constables , but the ambiguous position of reserve police within the RUC warrants a brief mention of this section of the force , if only because there are no parallels between reserve police in the RUC and those in police forces in Great Britain and the United States .
11 Most important of all , on defence issues , the needs of Britain and the United States came closer together .
12 Under this Mrs Thatcher and Dr FitzGerald agreed that Northern Ireland would remain a part of the United Kingdom according to the wishes of its majority , but that ministers from Britain and the Republic would meet regularly to review political and security aspects .
13 The Association proved once again to be a formidable field force when helping the appeal , and provided an excellent point of reference for the media in respect of both the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain and the work of the Association .
14 Free newspaper groups in particular welcomed the opportunity to provide their readers with interesting features about both the Battle of Britain and the work of the Association , whilst at the same time encouraging their regular advertisers to support the Appeal by purchasing space on the feature .
15 His own argument involved the admission that no common government , no common state , comprising both Great Britain and the colonies could subsist .
16 In many respects the ‘ New Conservatism ’ in Britain and the United States was born out of a reaction to the high inflation of the mid-1970s .
17 Another plank has been the encouragement of the private sector by deregulation ( particularly in Britain and the United States ) , especially in transport , tax deductions for investment , and packages of incentives for small business .
18 Labour in the north of Britain and the Conservatives in the south have so many safe seats that they can suffer a loss of popular votes without this being translated into an equivalent loss of seats .
19 Although the Chicago conference failed to resolve the basic difference in viewpoint between Britain and the USA , it did produce significant achievements .
20 The chief task of MI5 between 1939 and 1945 was to counter German espionage and sabotage in Britain and the empire .
21 We have encouraged the governments of Britain and the USA to reconsider their support for Indonesia 's notorious Transmigration Programme .
22 Britain and the US ignored the conference .
23 In 1947 Britain and the US said the matter should be left to the Italian courts .
24 The study , based on thousands of cases in Britain and the US , was carried out by the Aids-prevention charity , Lifeshield Foundation .
25 AN EMERGENCY airlift of flu vaccine from Europe was under way last night as stocks dwindled in Britain and the epidemic showed no sign of abating .
26 A day after Britain and the Soviet Union cautioned against ‘ hasty steps ’ towards German reunification , Dr Kohl yesterday made a point of citing US support for the desire for German unity .
27 That put Britain into the lead and leaves the battle for the cup between Britain and the New South Wales team , as the Australian national side suffered several disasters .
28 Part of the fall is accounted for by the pattern of transactions between Britain and the EC , but part must also reflect the cost of British borrowing from overseas investors .
29 MANDATORY repatriation of Hong Kong 's Vietnamese boat people will resume during the first half of next month , despite the protest action in detention centres and international pressure on Britain and the Hong Kong Government to allow more time for voluntary repatriation .
30 The Communist coup in Czechoslovakia ( January 1948 ) , the Berlin Blockade ( June 1948 ) , the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty ( April 1949 ) , the first Soviet atomic bomb test ( August 1949 ) , and Mao Tse Tung 's proclamation of the Peoples Republic of China ( October 1949 ) , all rekindled a sense of common purpose between Britain and the United States , and created an urge to find a way of harmonizing their atomic energy programmes .
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