Example sentences of "nothing which could " in BNC.

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1 In 1984 , when the InterCity Charter Unit was first set up , it had at its disposal some twenty sets of Mk 1 stock — principally second-class tourist open vehicles — but nothing which could credibly be described as suitable for the VIP trains it was seeking to introduce .
2 Stocker was at pains to say : ‘ We have nothing which could be tested on humans … nothing yet which can help Aids patients or people infected with the Aids virus or any other virus . ’
3 Torquay Deaf Club suffered some minor damage , but nothing which could not be easily repaired .
4 In 1976 , the film Ilsa , She-wolf of the SS was brought before the courts of New York State on a charge of obscenity , but the case was dismissed because the judge found nothing which could properly be covered by the Miller test , no ‘ lewd exhibition of the genitals ’ , no representations of ‘ ultimate sexual acts , normal or perverted ’ .
5 In the drawing room , where they had drunk their pre-dinner sherry , Dalgliesh had a sense of a room which deliberately rejected the past , containing nothing which could violate the owner 's essential privacy ; no family history in photograph or portrait , no shabby heirlooms given room out of nostalgia , sentimentality or family piety , no antiques collected over the years .
6 This large collection contains nothing which could n't be found in the libraries of a major city such as Middenheim or Altdorf ( allow any scholarly type an Int test to realize this ) , except for the Chaos/heresy works , which would be restricted-access in the temples .
7 He could see no definable head , nothing which could be stricken off even with doleful consequences .
8 Nothing which could endanger either the crown or the safety of the realm ? ’
9 They agreed to do nothing which could be construed as recognition of the current Soviet government .
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