Example sentences of "nothing that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The lessons of A Course In Miracles provide many wonderful affirmations such as — ‘ There is nothing to fear ’ , ‘ I could see peace instead of this ’ , ‘ All that I give is given to myself , ‘ All things I think I see reflect ideas ’ , ‘ Let me be still and listen to the truth ’ , ‘ Light and joy and peace abide in me ’ , ‘ Today I will judge nothing that occurs ’ , and ‘ The past is over .
2 I saw nothing that made me dislike her .
3 And nothing that takes place within the nervous system can explain why this property of intentionality should emerge there .
4 But there there was n't , mm , well there was nothing that seemed immediately er relevant I must say , but
5 If now " independence " is regarded as essential to basic existents , it is clear that nothing that depends upon a relation to something external to itself qualifies as a basic existent in the true sense of the word .
6 There is nothing that destroys more than seeing bodies lying around .
7 When the man who waited with her crept to her shoulder and whispered in her ear , as he did several times between his nervous pacings about the room , she made him no answer , and never seemed even to be aware of him , though her braced tension made it plain that nothing that passed in this apartment escaped her instant notice .
8 Certainly nothing that proves a conspiracy .
9 Definitely no pier and nothing that looked like a break in the reef .
10 She saw three public houses and a shop selling papers , but nothing that looked a likely candidate .
11 Anne touched his dead white face , and felt nothing that had been alive .
12 The answer to that was , nothing that had n't happened already .
13 ‘ You said you had nothing that had belonged to your father ! ’ he accused savagely .
14 Nothing that had happened recently had caused her pain , she told herself adamantly — anger certainly , and annoyance in abundance , but not pain .
15 Articles in journals , a chapter in books on research methods and collections of conference papers ( such as that highlighted in the last edition of Observations ) , were available , but nothing that had quite the focus and range of explaining background , methodology and queries as well as providing sufficient examples .
16 Genscher recalled that the decision embodied in the treaty was a difficult one for all Germans , particularly the millions who had been expelled from their homes in the area annexed to Poland , but that the treaty surrendered nothing that had not been lost long ago .
17 Nothing moved at the crossroads , or nothing that threatened a soldier 's life .
18 There were no Rembrandts , no Chippendale furniture , nothing that indicated that Harold Wilson had achieved any prosperity in his many arduous years in opposition .
19 She wondered which part of the house Fernando and Maria Luisa occupied , which were their own personal quarters , because so far she had seen nothing that indicated that a happy couple occupied the place .
20 There is nothing that tells the truth about us , as Christian people , so much as our prayer life .
21 Karen would n't commit adultery behind Dennis 's back , but there was nothing that excited her more than doing it under his nose .
22 Nothing that mattered to her .
23 Almost nothing that endures .
24 When labour has finished , the world celebrates with gifts of knitted pastels and flowers in ceramic baby booties , nothing that acknowledges the momentous nature of this event : the forging and re-forging or three people .
25 These sentiments were shared by Barrie , who wrote in 1896 , ‘ Nothing that happens after we are twelve matters very much . ’
26 There 's nothing that happens on the estate which I do n't know about .
27 What Weismann realized was that nothing that happens to your body can be translated back into your genes as it were .
28 So nothing that happens to you in the course of your life can possibly change your genes , because they 've already been copied .
29 He also carried out fibre and hair tests , but found nothing that connected Nichol with the crime .
30 The answer regarding the glass would probably have to be , nothing that lay immediately to hand .
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