Example sentences of "already [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 Biersteker , on Nigeria , argues that : ‘ Indigenization thus encourages a comprador role for local business in a society already plagued by strong comprador tendencies ’ ( 1987b , p.272 ) and that ‘ foreign capital has not been seriously threatened by the indigenization exercise ’ ( p.275 ) .
2 The governor says that 's been stopped , but staff are worried that the young offenders they 're having to deal with have come from other prisons already wrecked by riots .
3 The Ukrainian parliament ( Supreme Rada ) on April 29 had passed a bill , already ratified by the Crimean Supreme Soviet , delineating Crimea 's rights , including control over natural resources , land and economic reform .
4 In 1605 it began trading at Surat , which was convenient for the Persian trade already developed by the Muscovy Company and also for diplomatic contact with the Moghul capital at Agra .
5 The potential social and economic costs of AIDS to countries already ravaged by poverty are enormous .
6 Local hotel owner Julio Contreras is worried that if the bridge stays closed for much longer , some businesses , already ravaged by the recession , will close .
7 However , while the Architecture-Neutral Format is unlikely to appear on the market this year , Goldstein says that the Foundation plans to hold a conference on the technology at the end of the year , to find out which companies are interested in bringing the stuff to market and how it can be best introduced to an industry audience already blinded by science .
8 However , whilst ANDF is unlikely to appear in the market this year , Goldstein says OSF plans a conference on the technology for the end of the year to find out which companies are interested in running the stuff to market and how it can be best introduced to an industry audience already blinded by science .
9 In fact I can offer no better advice than that already given by Canon Stafford Wright .
10 The Cabinet were much less happy about this , as were Mountbatten 's own staff : however , General Slim , in command of 14th Army , showed more understanding , declaring ( 19 April ) : ‘ Help already given by BNA has gone long way towards expiation of political crimes . ’
11 The trial of these charges was subsequently fixed for June 1992 , with an estimated duration of nine weeks , and in the light of the advice already given by this Board in relation to the appeal , it is now in progress .
12 When Roland arrived in Lincoln he was already irritated by having to take the train .
13 But if , having served a term in purgatory , if having had the chance to try his arguments on other philosophers , Hegel was not unrepentant , he might agree that there was perhaps something in the alternative view : that each of the factors affecting historical development does have its own authenticity ; that they act upon and react to one another ; that from time to time this or that factor will take on a greater or lesser importance ; that of course — with a nod in the direction of Marx — at least since the neolithic age and the development of agriculture the mode of production has been a major factor ; and that the actions of particular men , Marx among them , have in fact been formative , changing not merely the degree of development of a kind already prescribed by a programme of social evolution , but the kind of development itself .
14 They provided for some right to initiate legislation ( at present the prerogative of the Commission ) , and for the EP to see Commission proposals before the Council of Ministers , which would then work on texts already amended by the EP .
15 Although this appeared to repeat some of the work already undertaken by the FAOR team , because the analysts were now concerned with documenting the user requirements at a detailed level it was necessary to focus the questions more precisely and , taking account of the proposed technical solutions , to consider with the interviewees the potential advantages of information being indexed and stored by electronic means .
16 Nor was it that reforms already undertaken by Russia 's post-communist government , if only supported with a pile of hard currency , will deliver a lasting rise in living standards — because Russia has not yet done anything like enough .
17 We had absolutely no budget for such a venture ( already undertaken by the Italian and United States Governments ) until Lord Carrington of Christie 's suggested this collaboration ’ .
18 Details of preparatory work already undertaken by the purchaser .
19 ‘ I want to make all my defences in Britian , ’ said the 27-year-old Lewis , already regarded by many as the uncrowned champion after his two-round demolition of Razor Ruddock at Earl 's Court in the early hours of Sunday morning .
20 But the troops were already fatigued by an unremitting nine days ' marching on inadequate rations , and the communications and organization were so poor that no supplies could be brought up to them .
21 Tim , 37 , is already treated by them as a favourite uncle .
22 John Wriglesworth , the housing analyst at UBS , a Swiss bank , estimates that the stock of unsold homes has already fallen by a third over the past year .
23 And what of those that have already fallen by the wayside ?
24 Ukraine planned to introduce its own circulating coupons for food and essential goods purchases if Russia failed to deliver extra roubles to safeguard Ukraine against the freeing of consumer prices in Russia from Jan. 2 ( a measure already delayed by two weeks ) .
25 The fact of canonization puts any work beyond questions of establishing its merit and , instead , invites students to offer only increasingly more ingenious readings and interpretations , the purpose of which is to validate the greatness already imputed by the canonization .
26 I was able to benefit greatly from the work already completed by this group and by the advice and encouragement which they provided .
27 Work already completed by the ESRC Cambridge Group has established the timing and scale of English population growth between 1540 and 1870 ( E A Wrigley and R S Schofield , The Population History of England ) .
28 Building on work already completed by the principal researcher ( funded by the DHSS ) , this project represents the third and final stage of a study of old age in rural Wales .
29 However , in making his award , the arbitrator subtracted those moneys ( plus interest ) already received by the couple , who were awarded £9,000 against their current building society debt of £18,000 .
30 Boccioni , Carrà and Russolo showed recent works at the Esposizione d'Arte Libera in Milan in the Spring of 1911 , and owing to the polemics already aroused by Futurist propaganda their work attracted great interest .
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