Example sentences of "'d have [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd have her home like a shot if the incontinence could be stopped …
2 She cleaned her plate in the time-honoured way with a piece of bread , then summoned the waiter to inform him she 'd have her coffee next door .
3 Basically , it was a late surviving example of 19th century employers ' attitudes towards their staff : checking up on them all the time or they 'd have their hands in the till , It was straight out of H.G. Wells ' Mr Kipps .
4 You 'd know the pros , they 'd have their round hat boxes , their big fur collars , the chorus would all be together , they always wore those high heeled shoes with bows at the front .
5 They 'd have their breeches and leggin 's lined with flannelette — lined with swansdown , they used to say — or fluffy calico .
6 ‘ But then she 'd have their lists , would n't she ?
7 ‘ I suppose you went round as a visitor — they 'd have their own vet , naturally . ’
8 If she is alive and you find her — do you think that would mean you 'd have your Mom back ?
9 ‘ But you 'd have your family around you , ’ Ruth pointed out .
10 I 'd have found some boring ordinary job and paid off the cops and you 'd have your new crystal and I 'd never have met Marco and his pals and I 'd be a happier woman today .
11 ‘ Mr Evans ought to hear you singing those songs , he 'd have your hide would n't he ? ’
12 I 'm inclined to ring in half an hour to see you 've got there safely , but I suppose I 'd have your brother hopping out of bed . ’
13 Cos I mean you 'd have your employer plan for the year anyway really .
14 ‘ They 'd have your betting-slips , surely ? ’ suggested Morse .
15 They think they 'd have your bags .
16 Plus this pension so you 'd be , you 'd have your house paid for so you 'd get a nice
17 It seems a bit funny for me cos I 'd have thought the kitchen was at the back so then you 'd have your dining room then .
18 Mm and just think Jane if you 'd of stayed with him you 'd have your hands full .
19 Yeah , you 'd have your pull in as well !
20 I thought you 'd have your !
21 Now I 'm not entirely positive if I 'm right but I think that would be easier to do because you could then alter that round to and then you 'd have your three X as a separate thing .
22 All I 'd need is a few fags to keep me awake and I 'd have my foot down all the way .
23 But if I ever got caught out with the big guy in the skull mask and the big axe thing then I 'd probably ask to end up coming back as my son because he 'd have my amazing charm , dazzling character , obscene talent ( ? — Ed ) , and chiselled good looks ! ( and gift for talking utter bullshine ! — Ed ) .
24 Ideally , I 'd have my preferred gauge of 45–105s fitted , which would further attenuate this brightness .
25 Later I tell C that if I worked for the Daily Star , I 'd have my story already .
26 My God , I 'd have my work cut out with this lot .
27 I 'd have my passport confiscated .
28 If I 'd have my time over again , I 'd do things so differently .
29 Cos it was the only , it was either here or the Balloon Woods , cos I was er I was given an emergency placing , it was either here or Balloon Woods , and at the time I did n't fancy Balloon Woods , but I wish I 'd taken it now , I 'd be , I 'd have my own place by
30 He 'd have my leg off .
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