Example sentences of "'d get to " in BNC.

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1 We 'd get to one poem four or five days into the war , or after The Belgrano or Sir Galahad , and then you have ‘ Lie Still ’ … which is sombre , like a tribute , and then the others , like ‘ Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night ’ , which started off as a camp throwaway as a tango ; but the poems put together with an orchestra gives them much more depth . ’
2 I was afraid you 'd get to the slope too soon .
3 She 'd get to California in a few days .
4 He 'd get to the back door in time for his morning cup of tea and a warm by the kitchen range .
5 We turned down the offer of researching exactly how many men we 'd get to 3,000 feet of urinals , but allowing a couple of feet for each one , 1,500 men would make Wembley the tops for discriminating against women .
6 Each time he 'd get to the line about going to stoke the brazier it would come out as ‘ stoke the brassiere ’ , which of course stopped everything dead and brought the Director screaming down on us .
7 But they 'd get to her in the end .
8 If he did n't get away now , he 'd only be waylaid by the others , there 'd be more whiskies , and it would be all hours before he 'd get to his lodgings and the letter from Elizabeth .
9 there 'd just these straight powers of X , and you could do that and you 'd get to the same answer as we get to it 's just that this is a quicker way of doing it .
10 I 'd get to her later hopefully before Sunil got to me .
11 ‘ Anyhow , he lives somewhere in darkest Essex , so lord knows what time I 'd get to my bed — even supposing he can remember where he lives .
12 She 'd get to him if it was the last thing she did .
13 I , I , I mean I do think that w what we would have to do is , is if people started making inroads into two via this route , it might mean then we 'd get to the point where it was n't going to cost that much more to enable other scale one people
14 I 'd get to about there , just about like that , and then I could n't do it .
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