Example sentences of "perhaps [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In her letter to Lawrence , Mrs Skinner wrote : ‘ Our members felt the scorer 's jubilant behaviour was somewhat excessive to the extent perhaps of being a contributory factor in the subsequent pitch invasion . ’
2 It is perhaps like being on top of a big wave in a canoe or on a surfboard , but to try to describe it is to fail .
3 Perhaps with being wanted a lot .
4 But the hermeneutic tradition prevents such final accounts at least from being easy and perhaps from being possible .
5 This shift in position marked a decline in status as well as income , but was preferable perhaps to being sacked .
6 She was no longer in the habit of being late : her life had schooled her to temporal accuracy , perhaps to being considerate .
7 We were thief takers , while others outside were excluded , perhaps to be dismissively described as ‘ mere uniform carriers ’ .
8 The extreme heteromorphs are perhaps to be found in the genus Nipponites , which looks like a tangle of whorls where any obvious semblance of symmetrical coiling seems to have been lost ( see left ) , and Baculites which is virtually straight after its earliest whorls .
9 It must be admitted that the famous mould may well have strayed upstairs from the cultures on the floor below , and is perhaps to be included in the long list of profitable discoveries which arose from a lapse in maintaining the highest standards of laboratory practice .
10 More useful comparisons than those made in Table 4.4 are perhaps to be made by means of subgroup analysis , even though with this method one is necessarily handling very small numbers .
11 Another example is the puzzling situation when an otherwise bright , healthy child has difficulty mastering reading and spelling — a syndrome labelled as dyslexia — and investigation is required , perhaps to be followed by a special educational programme ( Yule , 1988 ) .
12 Since 1967 some local fluctuations have occurred , but such changes are perhaps to be expected .
13 The content and implications of this document have been very widely analysed and debated as has the Tanzanian reaction to it , but a few short passages need perhaps to be quoted yet again if only to underline the very fundamental challenges it poses for curriculum planners .
14 Some reading requires quiet and calm ; some reading cries out to be shared , perhaps to be read aloud .
15 That is when you ought perhaps to be encouraging some running .
16 A degree of bewilderment is perhaps to be expected , after all : in 1805 , for instance , there were two Charles Titfords buried at Worship Street — the one , son of Richard and Mary Ann , the other , son of Charles William and … well , ‘ Mary ’ would be a forgivable error ?
17 It was perhaps to be expected that during this post-independence period TANU and its politicians in Parliament would want to see the nation establish itself in a symbolic sense .
18 In cases like this it is time to think carefully about which parts need perhaps to be emphasised and which part need to be toned down .
19 We often say more than we need , perhaps to mark a sense of occasion , or respect ; and we often say less than we need , perhaps to be rude , or blunt , or forthright .
20 This much is perhaps to be expected from someone who faced insurmountable difficulties in coping with the work .
21 If this perspective is adopted , environmentalists ought perhaps to be grateful for the fact that the vast majority of farmers are not more economically rational when they come to organize the husbandry of their farms and that the inertia introduced by the historical pattern of landownership and farm structure in this country has acted as a brake on landscape change .
22 I consoled myself ; for if it is not possible to be free , perhaps to be hidden is the next best thing , and Lili 's presence gave me , as the hours went by , the feeling that I was growing less visible .
23 Second , Bede says that Oswiu established his rule over the southern Anglo-Saxon kingdoms for three years after Penda 's death ( HE III , 24 — on Bede 's chronology 655–8 but perhaps to be emended to 656–9 .
24 Given the fact that insistent negation in dreams and the speech is interpreted by psychoanalysis as resistance to a truth which the conscious mind would sooner deny , are the negatives not perhaps to be disregarded altogether ?
25 In most fields the nineteenth century was the age of the textbook , such as Thomas Thomson 's in chemistry and Lyell 's in geology , where successive editions made the earlier ones obsolete ; the plates that survive usefully are perhaps to be compared to the very few classic books like the Origin of Species which go on selling .
26 There has been an historical reluctance on the part of the police to enforce the section , which is perhaps to be regretted .
27 And that is why — now that human dominion is seen perhaps to be rather too complete , as we progressively eliminate the natural world on which our very survival depends — meat is now falling out of fashion .
28 It is perhaps to be expected . ’
29 The author did not understand these and thought them perhaps to be due to changes in reflectance .
30 Numbers 420 and 427 have not been used for quite some time and will be sold by the MOD as surplus to requirements , perhaps to be purchased by some preserved railway ?
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