Example sentences of "possible that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When setting a straight line of netting on level ground it is possible that one stake every 8 yards may be sufficient , but when a net is set in a circular shape the stakes will need to be closer together .
2 Having said that , it is entirely possible that one is being hopelessly naïve and that it is simply that the AIDS test has replaced the screen test as the sine qua non for any ambitious ingénue .
3 For although practices , and features of practices , are said to be mutually dependent , it is nevertheless possible that one may dominate the others in the sense that it is more efficacious in determining the character of other practices than they are in determining it .
4 I want to know how this man got into the courtyard — somebody must have opened the main door and gate for him and it 's possible that somebody going out may have seen him .
5 Of course it was just possible that something had delayed them ; they might even now be hurrying up the steep incline to the station .
6 But if he wins , it 's possible that something may happen to me .
7 Now even if you test things thoroughly as you 're building your spreadsheets , then it 's quite possible that something you do later on affects something you do earlier on .
8 It is always a possible that something like this will happen .
9 It is even possible that nobody had ever anticipated a particular situation arising .
10 If the dish is blazed with whisky instead it is possible that nobody will know the difference ; but a point of principle is involved ; once the wedge is in how long before the apples have been replaced with carrots and peas , and the cream with tomato purée or pineapple juice ?
11 Was it possible that her sister had taken on a new maid for the Fanshawes ' flat and not said anything about it ?
12 If Greg Martin was alive then was it possible … was there the chance that it was in any way possible that her mother was alive too ?
13 Since the railways had come the post travelled more quickly , and it was possible that her grandfather already knew everything .
14 Yet Elizabeth had been a widow for over ten years , and her children were very nearly off her hands ; it is quite possible that her brief sojourn in the workhouse was part of an attempt to give her life a new direction and meaning — perhaps she was there as a helper , a visitor , a counsellor to those in need , or even as a missionary spreading the gospel of Christianity in general or that of the Lady Huntingdon 's Connexion in particular .
15 It is possible that her attitude towards me could have been coloured , even determined , by her own suffering .
16 He asks if you would inform her as soon as possible that her son has had a serious accident and would she go straight to the hospital .
17 Thus , as far as the spadefoot is concerned , it is quite possible that what appears at first sight to be a random collection of toads arbitrarily mating with anything and everything is actually an ordered process .
18 It is possible that what we are dealing with here is the experience of sections of the professional gentry , though it was not confined to that group alone .
19 How is it possible that what will prove to be an act of technological genocide has been carried out in the name of international law ?
20 but , but we , we , we might come across this again a bit later on th that i it 's entirely possible that what is being said at the early part is n't actually borne out by the details that come later on .
21 In this case too , by maximizing their caring role , males ensure as far as possible that their young are ‘ got off ’ successfully .
22 It is at least possible that their features came from their father 's side of the family , judging from an anecdote which Herbert told of having been on holiday at the Cape as a young man .
23 Please remember that , as Midland Lifetime is a unit-linked plan , the price of units can go down as well as up , and that it is possible that their value may fall below the amount originally invested .
24 Though Minton encouraged the Kitchen Sink painters it is possible that their rapid success unnerved him .
25 Apart from the fact that these people seem to possess a remarkable amount of scientific knowledge , even though they do not care to employ it , it seems possible that their ideas about civilisation and ours may be quite different . ’
26 However , the actual time taken to cover a kilometre will almost certainly have varied substantially between road types , thus it is possible that their subjects did not actually have more to report in the shopping areas .
27 I mean , it is possible that their … er … holy books are a less tough read than the … er …
28 I did not like the idea very much as Sid was a smoker , and if he lit up during the night it was possible that we both could end up with a Blighty , or worse !
29 ‘ Tomorrow morning we attack the German positions and it is possible that we have nothing more to eat after this evening . ’
30 But it is possible that we have such an idea when there is no external thing like it .
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