Example sentences of "thing they [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the advocates of student power do want — and it is not always clear — one thing they plainly do not want is access to their professors ' wives ( 1971 : 111 ) .
2 What was the next thing they also want ?
3 The problem is , the term Lamarckism has changed its meaning in the course of this century , and now Lamarckism , if you say Lamarckism to most educated people , the first thing they normally think of , is not evolution by will , or , or progressivism , but inheritance of acquired characteristics .
4 Well Birmingham certainly will cos it 's the sort of thing they like doing .
5 Nah , you know , in the words of Abraham Lincoln , people who like that sort of thing will find it 's the sort of thing they like .
6 Maybe it 's the only thing they ever dreamt about . ’
7 I have sent many letters reporting a shortage of supplies and the only thing they ever send are contraceptives ’ Doctor , Dominican Republic
8 and the first sort of thing they ever had was just like a little screen it just went blip and that 's it , all they could tell you was there was something in their vicinity , it could n't tell you what direction it was or what height or anything .
9 The worst thing they ever did was on the leader page , the last one they got rid of the Extended Titling on .
10 The only thing they really lacked was that extra bit of meanness that you need to impose yourself on a game . ’
11 He suggested that one reason his parents had talked so much about it was that ‘ they really were like oil and water , and the only thing they really agreed about was the ballet .
12 This is the sort of thing they really go to town on : an armed man , probably wounded , probably hiding out nearby .
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